Hi Magnus,

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:12 PM, Magnus Lilja <lilja.mag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3 September 2014 03:13, Tom Rini <tr...@ti.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 02:53:17AM +0200, Benoît Thébaudeau wrote:
>>> > IMHO, the 'b reset' and the 'nop nop nop' are two different issues, so
>>> > Helmut should create a formal patch for the 'b reset' issue right now,
>>> > which will fix mx31pdk (and maybe other boards) for the release. Then,
>>> > once the 'nop nop nop' issue has been resolved for TT-01 (cache issue
>>> > or something else), another formal patch should be created for this
>>> > issue, unless it is purely out of tree.
>>> v2014.10 is getting closer with the release of -rc2. It would be much
>>> better to get mx31pdk fixed for this release. Helmut, can you send a
>>> patch for the 'b reset' issue? If not, do you agree that someone else
>>> (maybe the board maintainer: Magnus?) sends it with a 'Reported-by:
>>> Helmut Raiger <helmut.rai...@hale.at>'?
>> Yes, please, I'd like to see this fixed for the release proper.
> I'll try to test and submit a match in a couple of days.

I have already submitted a patch for that yesterday. It's 'arm: Make
reset position-independent', and you were in Cc. So you just have to
test and to add your 'Tested-by'.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
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