On Friday, August 22, 2014 at 05:26:52 AM, Masahiro Yamada wrote:
> Hi Detlev,
> I'd like to have a presentation at U-Boot mini summit 2014.
> ------------------------>8---------------------------------------
> Kbuild and Kconfig for U-Boot
> Abstract:
> U-Boot has had big changes on its build system in the past year.
> Kbuild and Kconfig provide us a lot of benefites; however there have been
> various hurdles to overcome for switching over to the new infrastructure.
> Porting had to be done carefully, step by step so as not to break
> any exisiting features and boards.
> This talk will explain how the migration was done, why the current approach
> was chosen and what will happen in the next phase.
> ------------------------8<-----------------------------------
> I will need about 30 minites for this talk including discussion.

Count me in on this talk ;-)

btw. Tom etc., do we have some "list of talks" for the minisummit or some 
program for it available somewhere ? When is the deadline for CFP ?

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
U-Boot mailing list

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