On Sun, 2009-05-24 at 14:00 -0500, Kim Phillips wrote:
> On Fri, 22 May 2009 17:23:24 -0500
> Peter Tyser <pty...@xes-inc.com> wrote:
> > Use the standard lowercase "xx" capitalization that other Freescale
> > architectures use for CPU defines to prevent confusion and errors
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Peter Tyser <pty...@xes-inc.com>
> > ---
> CodingStyle Ch.12 suggests that it's the other fsl arches that are in
> violation here, not 83XX:
> ---
> Names of macros defining constants and labels in enums are capitalized.
> #define CONSTANT 0x12345

Either way is fine with me, as long as things are consistent.  It looked
like most Freescale CPUs in U-Boot as well as Linux used the lowercase
convention for CONFIG_<cpu type> so I thought:
a. Most likely someone made a conscious decision to use lowercase
b. It'd be much easier to change just 83xx than all other arches:)

If others would prefer standardizing on uppercase, I can submit new
patches for 85xx, 5xxx, 86xx, etc.  This would be still be inconsistent
with Linux though, which is a bit annoying.


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