Hi Lukasz,
I'm not sure what to check. Could you specify it more exactly? I'm
quite sure that on the BeagleBone Black MMC0 is the SD card and MMC1 is
the eMMC.
I'm not familiar with the U-Boot source code, but what I was trying to
point out is that the <dev> parameter from the dfu command might be
ignored by the writing routine:
1) This is the usage of the dfu command:
dfu <USB_controller> <interface> <dev> [list]
2) So, this command should write to MMC1:
U-Boot# dfu 0 mmc 1
3) But the output of the command above indicates writing to MMC0:
MMC write: dev # 0, block # 63, count 762 ... 762 blocks write: OK
In accordance to the message above the SD card (MMC0) was overwritten.
Let me know how I can help to sort this out.
On 2014-08-18 15:53, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
Hi Tamás,
Dear All,
I'm trying to do a firmware update on my BeagleBone Black using DFU
and nearly getting there:
U-Boot# dfu 0 mmc 1
GADGET DRIVER: usb_dnl_dfu
musb-hdrc: peripheral reset irq lost!
MMC write: dev # 0, block # 63, count 762 ... 762 blocks write: OK
DFU complete CRC32: 0xee7826ec
Ctrl+C to exit ...
However, the problem is that I'm trying to write to MMC #1 (eMMC),
but U-Boot updates MMC #0 (SD card) as it can be seen from the output
Is this a bug in U-Boot or I am doing something wrong?
I'm using U-Boot version: u-boot-2013.10-ti2013.12.01 (from TI Sitara
SDK 07).
It is strange. I will look into this tomorrow.
BTW: Are you sure that the mmc dev points to correct mmc device?
Could you check this for me?
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