Project details: 

CPU: MPC8536DS [Core E500, Freescale]
Flash: 16MB [50MHz Local bus Clk)
DDR: 1G (SODIMM, 400 MHz)
Baord: Network Evaluation Cutom MPC8536E Board

U-Boot Debug Issue (GPIO Toggling code help)

-> as i am not able to debug uboot over jtag and the CW tool till now,  
[MPC8536 CPU Suoort to the CW is not available now it will be released in 

so i have to debug it via the printf statments meanwhile after the UART 
initialization get over.
But till when the UART initialization is not done so ihave to check the Uboot 
process via the GPIO Togging. ;)

So when i wrote u-boot.bin file to the Flash via Jtag CW FlashProgrammer tool, 
and power on the SW of te board it does not bootup and the GPIO toggling is not 
over yet what i have to do .. 
is my code to toggle the GPIO is wrong or i am mistaking anything. (This code i 
am testing over MPC8536DS Calamari baord, not working there too)


        .section .bootpg,"ax"
        .globl _start_e500


/* 20090520 DEBUG LED Code start */
        lis r2,adr_cfg_g...@h
        ori r2,r2,adr_cfg_g...@l

        lis r3,dir_g...@h
        ori r3,r3,dir_g...@l

        stw r3,0(r2)

        lis r2,adr_g...@h
        ori r2,r2,adr_g...@l

        lis r3,dat_g...@h
        ori r3,r3,dat_g...@l

        /* xori r1,r1,0xFFFF */
        stw  r3,0(r2)
        b    _T_LED
/*  TED 20090520 DEBUG LED Code End */

/* clear registers/arrays not reset by hardware */

        /* L1 */
        li      r0,2
        mtspr   L1CSR0,r0       /* invalidate d-cache */
        mtspr   L1CSR1,r0       /* invalidate i-cache */

        mfspr   r1,DBSR
        mtspr   DBSR,r1         /* Clear all valid bits */

and i declared the used macro in the file 


#define ADR_CFG_GPIO            0xFF70FC00              /* GPIO LED 
Configuration Register address */
#define ADR_GPIO                0xFF70FC08              /* GPIO LED Data 
Register */
#define DIR_GPIO                0xFFFFFFFF              /* GPIO DIRECTION 
though it is GPIO [0-15] */
#define DAT_GPIO                0xF28FF28F              /* GPIO Data GPIO[6-8] 
will set as toggle alternate */


i tried setting as too 
#define DIR_GPIO                0x03800000              /* Only GPIO[6:8] */
#define DAT_GPIO                0x02800000

But not workied for me :( 

isync msync too not worked i put this after I cache D Cache disable too 

please suggest me how to debug the GPIO toggling code and the process of 
debugging uboot.
-> also suggest me any Application note or manual over the PPC Assembly coding 

* In case we cannot put this code here so what is the method to check the Uboot 
activity following like 
   till where uboot does well or it hangs arround and after this and that kind 
of stuff?
  and from when we can do toggling the GPIO's

waiting for the reply this time more eagerly ..W.w.W..

Ashish Agarwal

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