Hi Masahiro,

On 08/04/14 15:59, Masahiro Yamada wrote:
> Hi.
>>> It seems that those scripts only work on Python versions 2.6 - 2.7?
> I took a quick look and I found  Python 3.x is not comatible 2.x at all.
> 3.x  requires the "print" is called like
> print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
> but it failes in Python 2.7.x.

Last time I checked the print function, it worked with parenthesis on
both versions 2.7 and 3.x.

> Moreover,  "except ... , ..." fails in 3.x
> while  "except ... as ..." fails in 2.5 or earlier.
> If the compatibility with python 3 is the requirement,
> I can't do this.  I must throw Python scripts away.

I think we'd better replace these with something more stable
in terms of API... bash? perl?

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