
If your interest is in initializing DDR for ECC, you don't have use
dma_meminit(). There is a better and faster way to do so. All Freescale modern
DDR controllers support this feature. All you have to do is to define these 


There are plenty of example for you to follow.

But again, we should fix the DMA function anyway.


On 07/23/2014 12:21 AM, Benoit Sansoni wrote:
> Hi York,
> That what I saw in the code.
> Also to test it you need to have the hardware, but the evaluation board 
> P2041rdb for example does not have some ECC signals rooted for DIMM slot.
> I validated the patch that I sent on a board based on P2041 with 8GB of 
> memory. Obviously it works with 2GB and 4GB.
> If you need help, you are welcome.
> Thanks for your help
> Benoit
> On 07/23/2014 12:53 AM, York Sun wrote:
>> On 07/18/2014 06:11 AM, Benoit Sansoni wrote:
>>> Hi ,
>>> I found out an issue when enabling ECC for P2041 platform with an amount
>>> of memory of 8GB.
>>> The routine "void dma_meminit(uint val, uint size)" is not adapted to
>>> manage memory size greater or equal to 4GB due to the 'uint' type.
>>> With this typing the dma_meminit sees 0 as size when memory is for
>>> example at 8GB. So the ECC part of the memory is not initialized and
>>> when going in memory the code crash.
>>> To correct it you need to use phys_size_t type instead of uint.
>>> It is the same thing for all routines that are called by "dma_meminit".
>>> I attached a patch that able to correct it easily.
>>> This patch should be integrated in the main branch I think so.
>>> Regards,
>>> Benoit
>> This is a valid concern. Some code started when we had far less memory. We 
>> need
>> to comb through the code to fix more of them.
>> York

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