
On 07/09/2014 03:03 PM, Henrik Nordström wrote:
> ons 2014-07-09 klockan 09:00 +0100 skrev Ian Campbell:
>> I hadn't thought of it. Is it only the SPL binary which differs between
>> FEL and non-FEL then?
> There is also a small difference in the default environment to enable
> boot-from-RAM in the FEL version of main u-boot. This is not enabled in
> the normal u-boot to avoid any risk of infinite looping boot failure
> from wrongly detected ram boot image.

Henrik, can you provide us with some memorymap info of the first
32K of SRAM for when booted from FEL vs MMC for all of sun4i, sun5i
and sun7i ?

It would be good to know which bits of SRAM actually get uses by the BROM,
and thus should not be overwritten, and which ones are free to use.


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