Hi Marek,

>From: Belisko Marek [mailto:marek.beli...@gmail.com]
>On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 8:04 PM, Gupta, Pekon <pe...@ti.com> wrote:
>>>From: Belisko Marek [mailto:marek.beli...@gmail.com]
>>>CC-ing Pekon Gupta which add those changes in commit:
>>>On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Belisko Marek <marek.beli...@gmail.com> 
>>>> Hi,
>>>> we're running 2014.04-rc3 on custom am335x board (same configuration as 
>>>> BBB).
>>>> When spl is loading u-boot from nand flash we can see a lot of
>>>> messages in console:
>>>> nand: bit-flip corrected @oob=0
>>>> It is always the same position (seems to be first byte in oob).
>>>> Anybody experienced same problem?
>>>> I've tested on 2 different flashes and result is same.
>>>I was able to track down that read ecc from gpmc return always first
>>>byte as 0xFF (in omap_calculate_ecc())
>> This shouldn't be the case if the page is programmed.
>> Following is the expected ECC layout of BCH8
>Thanks for reply and sorry for wrong explanation. I mean read_ecc[0]
>byte = 0xff.
>What I found also is that data in read_ecc was completely different
>from displayed when issue nand dump.
>I found patch which fixes issue [1]. The u-boot doesn't anymore print
>bit-flips in oob. I need to fix
>also spl nand_read_page as when loading u-boot from nand in spl still
>report issues.
>One more question. Shouldn;t code for bitflip in oob looks like this:
>--- a/drivers/mtd/nand/omap_gpmc.c
>+++ b/drivers/mtd/nand/omap_gpmc.c
>@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ static int omap_correct_data_bch(struct mtd_info
>*mtd, uint8_t *dat,
>                        dat[byte_pos] ^= 1 << bit_pos;
>                        printf("nand: bit-flip corrected @data=%d\n", 
> byte_pos);
>                } else if (byte_pos < error_max) {
>-                       read_ecc[byte_pos - SECTOR_BYTES] = 1 << bit_pos;
>+                       read_ecc[byte_pos - SECTOR_BYTES] ^= 1 << bit_pos;
>                        debug("nand: bit-flip corrected @oob=%d\n", byte_pos -
>                                                                SECTOR_BYTES);
>                } else {
Yes absolutely. Please send a patch for this.
I think this got missed because read_ecc[] does not reach application layer.
Above layers are only interested in data portion, so even if the read_ecc[]
is uncorrected it doesn't matter to them. But yes this should be fixed.
Thanks for catching this.

>[1] - http://e2e.ti.com/support/arm/sitara_arm/f/791/t/259699.aspx
Ahh.. Yes, I know of this issue.. 
" The issue is mainly due to a NAND protocol violation in the omap driver since 
the Random Data Output command (05h-E0h) expects to see only the column address 
that should be addressed within the already loaded read page into the read 
buffer. Only 2 address cycles with ALE active should be provided between the 
05h and E0h commands. The Page read command expects the full address footprint 
(2bytes for column address + 3bytes for row address), but once the page is 
loaded into the read buffer, Random Data Output should be used with only 2bytes 
for column address."

But the mentioned fix is not at right place. This issue is there in
nand_base.c: nand_command_lp()  which is part of generic NAND
framework. So I suggest to use following patch instead.

diff --git a/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c b/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c
index 5d3232c..80256b5 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ static void nand_command_lp(struct mtd_info *mtd, unsigned 
int command,
                        ctrl &= ~NAND_CTRL_CHANGE;
                        chip->cmd_ctrl(mtd, column >> 8, ctrl);
-               if (page_addr != -1) {
+               if (page_addr != -11 && command != NAND_CMD_RNDOUT) {
                        chip->cmd_ctrl(mtd, page_addr, ctrl);
                        chip->cmd_ctrl(mtd, page_addr >> 8,
                                       NAND_NCE | NAND_ALE);

I think this is issue with Micron NAND also, because even the Micron
datasheet says that NAND_CMD_RNDOUT should take only 2cycles
of column address. But probably Micron devices don't crib on extra
address cycles, they just ignore it.

with regards, pekon
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