Hi Frank,

On 17 March 2014 01:17, Frank Ihle <frank.i...@hs-offenburg.de> wrote:
>> The check is done in console_init_f(), the 'f' meaning before
>> relocation, and thus before the environment is loaded and much before
>> the boot command is run. You need to put "silent=1" into your built-in
>> environment in the board config file.
(you did not copy me on the reply so I missed this)

> In my U-boot 2010.06, I tried with #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND   " setenv 
> silent 1;". When I hit "printenv", then there's a  printout with all the 
> commands from CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND in just one line (here it's just "setenv 
> silent 1;" - and not "silent=1").
> I could do this manually during boot then I get a silent=1, but even then the 
> boot is the same (and after reboot everything is gone, since I'm booting from 
> SD card).
> Well Maybe I have to say with the "setenv verify n;" in the 
> CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND, a similar line comes out like "setenv verify n;" instead 
> of "verify=n", but the verify is working.

CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND is not the build-in environment. See

> I just put this instead of #define CONFIG_SILENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_ON_SET, 
> nothing changed
>> Do you see that in the Linux command line on boot?
> Yes the kernel command line is shown during boot, including the "console=" or 
> "console=null". Maybe the kernel version 2.6.39 is just too old for that 
> feature.

I doubt it - that feature has been there forever.

>> If you have silent_linux=yes in U-Boot, then it will make Linux
>>silent. See fixup_silent_linux() for the full details.
> As far as I know hitting "silent=1" should silent Linux too (?) if a 
> particular command hasn't been set in the board-headerfile.

OK well one thing at a time. Try the CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS above.

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