On 22:20 Sat 02 May     , Remy Bohmer wrote:
> Hello,
> >> Well, the PLLB should be configured correctly by the AT91-bootstrap
> >> code (from Atmel).
> > no this is the case only if you supposed that you use U-Boot as second
> > stage bootloader which is not the case for the PM9263, PM9261 and other
> > boards (9263ek too for norflash boot as example)
> In that case the description is wrong. It states:
> > the USB support for all AT91SAM9261 based boards doesn't work.
> Look at the word 'ALL', that mislead me here...
ok I've not tick on the all

why not replace with

the USB support for all AT91SAM9261 based boards will only work if the PLLB
will be configured by a precedent bootloader.

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