On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 12:31:54AM +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Anton,
> In message <20090429215000.ga1...@oksana.dev.rtsoft.ru> you wrote:
> > This patch implements simple hwconfig infrastructure: an
> > interface for software knobs to control a hardware.
> Thanks a lot.
> > 3. We support hwconfig options with arguments. For example,
> > 
> >    set hwconfig dr_usb,dr_usb_mode:peripheral,dr_usb_phy_type:ulpi
> > 
> >    There are three hwconfig options selected:
> >    1. dr_usb - enable Dual-Role USB controller;
> >    2. dr_usb_mode:peripheral - USB in Function mode;
> >    3. dr_usb_phy_type:ulpi - USB should work with ULPI PHYs.
> That gives a lot of typing, which in turn results in lots of typing
> errors, which in this case are probably nasty to debug.
> Suggestion: instead of
>       set hwconfig dr_usb,dr_usb_mode:peripheral,dr_usb_phy_type:ulpi
> use:
>       set hwconfig dr_usb:mode=peripheral,phy_type=ulpi
> What do you think?

At first sight this looks great. But where should we stop?
I mean, technically that is

dr_usb {
        mode = peripheral;
        phy_type = ulpi;

I wonder if we want multi-level nesting capability, i.e.

dr_usb {
        mode = peripheral;
        phy {
                type = ulpi;
                clock = 48;

We'd type it this way:

=> set hwconfig "
> dr_usb {
> mode = peripheral;
> phy {
> type = ulpi;
> speed = 48;
> }
> }
> "


Or we can stop at one nesting level capability, just as you
describe. Your suggestion is quite easy to implement, but
full fledged parser is needed for the most generic case.


Anton Vorontsov
email: cbouatmai...@gmail.com
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