On 07.02.2014, at 01:51, Scott Wood <scottw...@freescale.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2014-02-06 at 12:40 +0100, Alexander Graf wrote:
>> On 04.02.2014, at 02:59, Scott Wood <scottw...@freescale.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2014-01-31 at 12:16 +0100, Alexander Graf wrote:
>>>> With the qemu-ppce500 machine type we can run the same board with
>>>> either an e500v2 or an e500mc core plugged in.
>>>> This means that the IVOR setup can't be based on compile time decisions,
>>>> so instead we have to do a runtime check which CPU generation we're
>>>> running on.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <ag...@suse.de>
>>>> ---
>>>> arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/fixed_ivor.S |   21 ++++++++++++++++-----
>>>> 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/fixed_ivor.S 
>>>> b/arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/fixed_ivor.S
>>>> index ebbb8c0..635a97e 100644
>>>> --- a/arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/fixed_ivor.S
>>>> +++ b/arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/fixed_ivor.S
>>>> @@ -36,17 +36,25 @@
>>>>    SET_IVOR(14, 0x1e0) /* Instruction TLB Error */
>>>>    SET_IVOR(15, 0x040) /* Debug */
>>>> -/* e500v1 & e500v2 only */
>>>> -#ifndef CONFIG_E500MC
>>>> +  /* Check for CPU */
>>>> +  mfpvr   r3
>>>> +  srwi    r3, r3, 16
>>>> +  /* Compare with e500mc PVR major number */
>>>> +  li      r4, 0
>>>> +  ori     r4, r4, 0x8023
>>>> +  cmpw    r3, r4
>>>> +
>>>> +  /* e500v1 & e500v2 only */
>>>> +  bge     1f
>>>>    SET_IVOR(32, 0x200) /* SPE Unavailable */
>>>>    SET_IVOR(33, 0x220) /* Embedded FP Data */
>>>>    SET_IVOR(34, 0x240) /* Embedded FP Round */
>>>> -#endif
>>>> +1:
>>>>    SET_IVOR(35, 0x260) /* Performance monitor */
>>>> -/* e500mc only */
>>>> -#ifdef CONFIG_E500MC
>>>> +  /* e500mc only */
>>>> +  blt     2f
>>>>    SET_IVOR(36, 0x280) /* Processor doorbell */
>>>>    SET_IVOR(37, 0x2a0) /* Processor doorbell critical */
>>>>    SET_IVOR(38, 0x2c0) /* Guest Processor doorbell */
>>>> @@ -54,6 +62,8 @@
>>>>    SET_IVOR(40, 0x300) /* Hypervisor system call */
>>>>    SET_IVOR(41, 0x320) /* Hypervisor Priviledge */
>>>> +#ifndef CONFIG_QEMU_E500
>>>> +  /* QEMU guests runs in guest mode and can't access GIVORs */
>>>>    SET_GIVOR(2, 0x060) /* Guest Data Storage */
>>>>    SET_GIVOR(3, 0x080) /* Guest Instruction Storage */
>>>>    SET_GIVOR(4, 0x0a0) /* Guest External Input */
>>>> @@ -61,3 +71,4 @@
>>>>    SET_GIVOR(13, 0x1c0) /* Guest Data TLB Error */
>>>>    SET_GIVOR(14, 0x1e0) /* Guest Instruction TLB Error */
>>>> #endif
>>>> +2:
>>> Again, let's please just remove this entire file.
>> I can remove it, but it's a pretty drastic change from the original
>> behavior that was introduced 4 1/2 years ago:
>>  http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2009-August/058670.html
>> I assume the idea was to give OSs one thing less to worry about (IVOR
>> setting). If any OS in between 2009 and now relied on that fact, we'll
>> break it by removing this code.
> Any such OS would already be broken on pre-2009 U-Boot.  Linux doesn't
> rely on it.  Neither the code nor the commit message gives a sufficient
> rationale, and Kumar didn't answer when asked.  It's incomplete (doesn't
> include e6500 IVORs).  It doesn't work on e6500 secondary threads.  The

I thought e6500 has hard coded IVORs which is the whole point of this exercise? 
Or am I wrong there?


> reset value of these registers is documented as zero, so it's not like
> we're just putting things back the way they were.  It only happens
> (except on secondary cores) when the bootm/bootz commands are used, not
> when using the ELF loader or the go command, nor when using bootm with
> Does anyone know of an OS that actually depends on this?
> -Scott

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