
i'am quite new to the u-boot community and i 'am now going to submit a patch regarding OMAP I2C interface. After this hopefully easy introduction i want to supply patches for 2 new AM3352 boards, which we've built up at our company.

I have allready read the patch submission rules on the u-boot website.
But it is still not clear to me how i do the whole thing.

I have modified about 3 or 4 files regarding the i2c interface.

How should i take up the differences and how they are posted ?

Actually the idea in my head looks like this:

a) fetch most current u-boot from http://git.denx.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=u-boot.git;a=summary
b) using 'diff' for getting the patch:

diff u-boot/include/i2c.h u-boot-current/include/i2c.h
<     int        speed;
>     int        speed, waitdelay;

c) using another more 'diff' for the next file ...
diff u-boot/drivers/i2c/omap24xx_i2c.c u-boot-current/drivers/i2c/omap24xx_i2c.c
>  *
>  * Copyright (c) 2014 Hannes Petermaier <oe5...@oevsv.at>, B&R
>  * - Added support for set_speed
...... (not complete at this time)

and so on ...
pasting all the outputs into an email which passes to the rules given on the website.

at the end give the signed-off-by statement.

upon finish press send and hope that patch will be accepted.

Are iam right in this ?

many thanks and best regards,

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