From: Stephen Warren <>

Currently, ! can only be parsed as the first operator in an expression.
This prevents the following from working:

$ if test ! ! 1 -eq 1; then echo yes; else echo no; fi
$ if test ! 1 -eq 2 -a ! 3 -eq 4; then echo yes; else echo no; fi

Fix this by parsing ! like any other operator, and and handling it
similarly to -a and -o.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Warren <>
v3: New patch.
 common/cmd_test.c | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/cmd_test.c b/common/cmd_test.c
index e65dd531877e..b927d09eb3e0 100644
--- a/common/cmd_test.c
+++ b/common/cmd_test.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include <command.h>
 #define OP_INVALID     0
+#define OP_NOT         1
 #define OP_OR          2
 #define OP_AND         3
 #define OP_STR_EMPTY   4
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ const struct {
        {1, "-le", OP_INT_LE, 3},
        {1, "-gt", OP_INT_GT, 3},
        {1, "-ge", OP_INT_GE, 3},
+       {0, "!", OP_NOT, 1},
        {0, "-o", OP_OR, 1},
        {0, "-a", OP_AND, 1},
        {0, "-z", OP_STR_EMPTY, 2},
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ const struct {
 static int do_test(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
        char * const *ap;
-       int i, op, left, adv, expr, last_expr, neg, last_cmp;
+       int i, op, left, adv, expr, last_expr, last_unop, last_binop;
        /* args? */
        if (argc < 3)
@@ -73,17 +75,11 @@ static int do_test(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, 
char * const argv[])
-       last_expr = 0;
-       left = argc - 1; ap = argv + 1;
-       if (left > 0 && strcmp(ap[0], "!") == 0) {
-               neg = 1;
-               ap++;
-               left--;
-       } else
-               neg = 0;
+       left = argc - 1;
+       ap = argv + 1;
        expr = -1;
-       last_cmp = OP_INVALID;
+       last_unop = OP_INVALID;
+       last_binop = OP_INVALID;
        last_expr = -1;
        while (left > 0) {
                for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(op_adv); i++) {
@@ -152,27 +148,36 @@ static int do_test(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, 
char * const argv[])
                switch (op) {
                case OP_OR:
                        last_expr = expr;
-                       last_cmp = OP_OR;
+                       last_binop = OP_OR;
                case OP_AND:
                        last_expr = expr;
-                       last_cmp = OP_AND;
+                       last_binop = OP_AND;
+                       break;
+               case OP_NOT:
+                       if (last_unop == OP_NOT)
+                               last_unop = OP_INVALID;
+                       else
+                               last_unop = OP_NOT;
-                       if (last_cmp == OP_OR)
+                       if (last_unop == OP_NOT) {
+                               expr = !expr;
+                               last_unop = OP_INVALID;
+                       }
+                       if (last_binop == OP_OR)
                                expr = last_expr || expr;
-                       else if (last_cmp == OP_AND)
+                       else if (last_binop == OP_AND)
                                expr = last_expr && expr;
-                       last_cmp = OP_INVALID;
+                       last_binop = OP_INVALID;
                ap += adv; left -= adv;
-       if (neg)
-               expr = !expr;
        expr = !expr;
        debug (": returns %d\n", expr);

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