Hello Hyungwon,

On 12/26/2013 12:39 AM, Hyungwon Hwang wrote:> Dear Marczak,
> On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 12:50:11 +0100
> Przemyslaw Marczak <p.marc...@samsung.com> wrote:
>> Dear Hyungwon,
>> On 12/20/2013 06:07 AM, Hyungwon Hwang wrote:
>>> Hi, Marczak
>>> On Thu, 19 Dec 2013 11:40:26 +0100
>>> Przemyslaw Marczak <p.marc...@samsung.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello Hyungwon,
>>>> On 12/19/2013 06:40 AM, 황형원 wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Marczak.
>>>>> Is this logo image what I sent you before?
>>>>> It's a little different what we use,
>>>>> and also the logo image is not aligned center horizontally.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Hyungwon Hwang
>>>> This is not a logo which you sent me. Your logo has 24BPP and
>>>> actually it has displayed correctly because of fimd 24bpp mode.
>>>> When I tried to convert it to 16bpp with gimp, it was not
>>>> displayed correctly in 16bpp mode, there was some lines shift on
>>>> display so I took logo from tizen.org and resized it to 500x160 -
>>>> now it's looking good.
>>>> This is the logo location:
>>>> https://download.tizen.org/misc/Tizen-Brand/01-Primary-Assets/Lockup/On-Dark/01-RGB/Tizen-Lockup-On-Dark-RGB.png
>>>> I can add some x and y offsets to make word "TIZEN" aligned center.
>>>> If this logo is really bad, then can you share logo in PNG format?
>>>> Or BMP 16bpp?
>>> The logo file is OK. Could you adjust alignment?
>>> Also, I think that anti-aliasing is needed.
>>> We can see stair-stepping appearance in diagonal lines.
>>> Can you fix it?
>>>> Regards.
>>> ---
>>> Hyungwon Hwang
>>> Samsung SWC S/W Platform Team
>>> Smasung Electronics
>>> human.hw...@samsung.com
>> You're right the picture size scalling method which I have chosen was
>> not good enough. I fixed it and now logo quality is much better. I
>> also introduced logo x and y offset in struct vidinfo, so function
>> get logo will be looking like this:
>> file: lib/tizen/tizen.c
>>    void get_tizen_logo_info(vidinfo_t *vid)
>>    {
>> -      switch (vid->resolution) {
>> -      case HD_RESOLUTION:
>> -              vid->logo_width = TIZEN_HD_LOGO_WIDTH;
>> -              vid->logo_height = TIZEN_HD_LOGO_HEIGHT;
>> -              vid->logo_addr = (ulong)tizen_hd_logo;
>> +      switch (vid->vl_bpix) {
>> +      case 4:
>> +              vid->logo_width = TIZEN_LOGO_16BPP_WIDTH;
>> +              vid->logo_height = TIZEN_LOGO_16BPP_HEIGHT;
>> +              vid->logo_x_offset = TIZEN_LOGO_16BPP_X_OFFSET;
>> +              vid->logo_y_offset = TIZEN_LOGO_16BPP_Y_OFFSET;
>> +#if defined(CONFIG_VIDEO_BMP_GZIP)
>> +              vid->logo_addr = (ulong)tizen_logo_16bpp_gzip;
>> +#else
>> +              vid->logo_addr = (ulong)tizen_logo_16bpp;
>> +#endif
>>                break;
>>        default:
>> +              vid->logo_addr = 0;
>>                break;
>>        }
>>    }
>> and set logo position before display:
>> file: board/samsung/common/misc.c
>>        x = ((panel_info.vl_width - panel_info.logo_width) >> 1);
>> +      x += panel_info.logo_x_offset; /* For X center align */
>>        y = ((panel_info.vl_height - panel_info.logo_height) >> 1);
>> +      y += panel_info.logo_y_offset; /* For Y center align */
>> So every new logo in future could be simply center-aligned.
>> Is it ok?
>> Regards,
> Can you send the patch? I think that the code above omit the added
> variable declaration. So I can't test it.
> Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Hyungwon Hwang
> ---
> Hyungwon Hwang
> Samsung SWC S/W Platform Team
> Smasung Electronics
> human.hw...@samsung.com
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It was only some pseudo code. I will add some more changes in this patch set, so please wait for its next version. I try to eliminate unaligned access issue on trats board, because now it is quite unpredictable. I hope to send changes at the end of this week.

Przemyslaw Marczak
Samsung R&D Institute Poland
Samsung Electronics
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