Hi Enric, 

>From: Enric Balletbo Serra [mailto:eballe...@gmail.com]
>>>> Note that look the same except after byte number 16. In the first case is
>>>>     ff 52 3f 7d 2a 7f a2 98 70
>>>> and in the second case is
>>>>     52 3f 7d 2a 7f a2 98 70
>>>> It's possible that something is wrong writting the OOB data ? Any clue
>>>> ? I'm in the right direction or completely wrong ?
>> Yes, there seems to be an mis-match between u-boot and kernel
>> ecc-layout. Give me a day's time, and I'll try to root cause this.
>> However, don't have OMAP3 boards, so I can test this only on other boards.
I have done some fix here.
But I hv still not completely tested this for all boot modes.
So plz consider this as RFC. And once I'm done, I'll post a formal patch.
(attaching the patches here for reference)..

with regards, pekon

Attachment: 0001-mtd-nand-omap-fix-ecclayout-oobfree-offset.patch
Description: 0001-mtd-nand-omap-fix-ecclayout-oobfree-offset.patch

Attachment: 0002-mtd-nand-omap-fix-ecclayout-for-BCH4_SW-and-BCH8_SW-.patch
Description: 0002-mtd-nand-omap-fix-ecclayout-for-BCH4_SW-and-BCH8_SW-.patch

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