Hi David,

David Brownell wrote:
> On Friday 24 April 2009, Ben Warren wrote:
>> My approach is that once the merge window closes, new patches that are not
>> bug fixes go into 'next', which is for the release after the current one (in
>> this case 07). 
> Then I'm curious how that dm9000 EEPROM reading bugfix
> landed in net/next ... or is the point that the merge
> window for 2009.05 is still open, since RC1 hasn't yet
> been tagged?
In this case a pretty good argument could be made that it's a bug fix 
and not a feature, so can go in 2009.05.  Obviously bugs that break 
builds get more attention than ones that have been in code for a while 
and nobody noticed.  I'll ask Wolfgang to pick it up directly.  As 
you're noticing, how and when patches are picked up is open to many 

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