On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 04:40:04PM +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> > 1. Wolfgang has a focus on stability and gradual changes. We respect this
> >    political position because it is a *good* one.
> This is not quite correct. What  I  consider  important  is  an  evo-
> lutionary path - this may include bigger changes and reorganizations,
> but  I  consider  it a bad idea to not provide a reasonable migration
> path for larger parts of the existing community.

An evolutionary path in limited time is not possible when you want to
change fundamental design issues. This is our oppinion, feel free to
proove us wrong.

> > 3. It was an active decision from our team *not* to fork and call it
> >    something else than U-Boot(-v2) when we started. We see that the
> >    U-Boot community is strong, it has long term aims and last but not
> >    least, it has a *great* bootloader. We talked to Wolfgang before
> >    doing so, and Wolfgang's position was in the spirit of "go ahead,
> >    here is a git tree, and let the community decide".
> This is actually wrong. When we talked about these  things,  you  had
> already  performed  a  split, and had a up-and-running implementation
> behind your (kind of closed) doors. It was me who asked you  to  make
> this existing code openly available.

Well, how do you think such things are going to happen? By starting with
a big vapourware discussion? Come on. Someone has to show some code, and
that's what we did. It is all GPL, so it is as much open or closed doors
as anything else.

> What I missed, and what I  still  consider  a  big  chance  that  was
> missed, is any public discussion about such a new design - before the
> actual  work  was  started,  or  at  least  before  such  irrevocable
> decisions were made as not to consider any form of an upgrade path.

Until now all we hear is whining about the design, while almost nobody
has ever looked into the code. Could you elaborate? What would you like
to see? What is there that you don't like? Please feel free to send
patches if you have other ideas for v2.

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