
I have a VxWorks Boot Loader running on my P3041 and from there I'm willing to 
execute a U-Boot image that was previously burnt in my flash.
The U-Boot image - u-boot-p3041ds-2011.09-r5.bin - is 512KB and is burnt at the 
address of 0xF802,0000, ending at 0xF809,FFFF (no env. parameters were burnt).
So from the VxWorks Boot Loader I branch to the address of 0xF802,0000 and get 
an exception. I also try branching to 0xF809,FFFC, but again the U-Boot shell 
won't show up.
Could you please help me on that? Where can I find the U-Boot entry point and 
how should I load it "manually"?

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