Adding the base patch for Exynos based SMDK5420.
This shall enable compilation and basic boot support for

Signed-off-by: Rajeshwari S Shinde <>
Signed-off-by: Akshay Saraswat <>
Changes in V2:
        - None
Changes in V3:
        - None
 MAINTAINERS                           |   1 +
 Makefile                              |   2 +-
 board/samsung/common/board.c          |   2 +
 board/samsung/smdk5420/Makefile       |  50 ++++++
 board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420.c     | 281 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420_spl.c |  68 ++++++++
 boards.cfg                            |   1 +
 tools/Makefile                        |   2 +
 8 files changed, 406 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/smdk5420/Makefile
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420.c
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420_spl.c

index 9700ec9..97990fb 100644
@@ -939,6 +939,7 @@ Bo Shen <>
 Rajeshwari Shinde <>
        snow                    ARM ARMV7 (EXYNOS5250 SoC)
+       smdk5420                ARM ARMV7 (EXYNOS5420 SoC)
 Michal Simek <>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 488db8a..cf1bc1c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ clean:
               $(obj)tools/gdb/{astest,gdbcont,gdbsend}                   \
               $(obj)tools/gen_eth_addr    $(obj)tools/img2srec           \
               $(obj)tools/mk{env,}image   $(obj)tools/mpc86x_clk         \
-              $(obj)tools/mk{$(BOARD),}spl                               \
+              $(obj)tools/mk{$(BOARD)}spl                                \
               $(obj)tools/mxsboot                                        \
               $(obj)tools/ncb             $(obj)tools/ubsha1             \
               $(obj)tools/kernel-doc/docproc                             \
diff --git a/board/samsung/common/board.c b/board/samsung/common/board.c
index bfcfbdf..f255d69 100644
--- a/board/samsung/common/board.c
+++ b/board/samsung/common/board.c
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ struct cros_ec_dev *board_get_cros_ec_dev(void)
        return local.cros_ec_dev;
 static int board_init_cros_ec_devices(const void *blob)
        local.cros_ec_err = cros_ec_init(blob, &local.cros_ec_dev);
@@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ static int board_init_cros_ec_devices(const void *blob)
        return 0;
 #if defined(CONFIG_POWER)
 static int pmic_reg_update(struct pmic *p, int reg, uint regval)
diff --git a/board/samsung/smdk5420/Makefile b/board/samsung/smdk5420/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e992e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/samsung/smdk5420/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung Electronics
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+LIB    = $(obj)lib$(BOARD).o
+COBJS  += smdk5420_spl.o
+COBJS  += smdk5420.o
+SRCS   := $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
+OBJS   := $(addprefix $(obj),$(COBJS) $(SOBJS))
+ALL    :=       $(obj).depend $(LIB)
+all:   $(ALL)
+$(LIB):        $(OBJS)
+       $(call cmd_link_o_target, $(OBJS))
+# defines $(obj).depend target
+include $(SRCTREE)/
+sinclude $(obj).depend
diff --git a/board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c860e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420.c
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung Electronics
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <fdtdec.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <i2c.h>
+#include <lcd.h>
+#include <netdev.h>
+#include <spi.h>
+#include <asm/arch/board.h>
+#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>
+#include <asm/arch/dwmmc.h>
+#include <asm/arch/gpio.h>
+#include <asm/arch/mmc.h>
+#include <asm/arch/pinmux.h>
+#include <asm/arch/sromc.h>
+#include <asm/arch/dp_info.h>
+#include <power/pmic.h>
+int board_usb_vbus_init(void)
+       struct exynos5_gpio_part1 *gpio1 = (struct exynos5_gpio_part1 *)
+                                               samsung_get_base_gpio_part1();
+       /* Enable VBUS power switch */
+       s5p_gpio_direction_output(&gpio1->x2, 6, 1);
+       /* VBUS turn ON time */
+       mdelay(3);
+       return 0;
+int exynos_init(void)
+       board_usb_vbus_init();
+       return 0;
+static int decode_sromc(const void *blob, struct fdt_sromc *config)
+       int err;
+       int node;
+       node = fdtdec_next_compatible(blob, 0, COMPAT_SAMSUNG_EXYNOS5_SROMC);
+       if (node < 0) {
+               debug("Could not find SROMC node\n");
+               return node;
+       }
+       config->bank = fdtdec_get_int(blob, node, "bank", 0);
+       config->width = fdtdec_get_int(blob, node, "width", 2);
+       err = fdtdec_get_int_array(blob, node, "srom-timing", config->timing,
+                       FDT_SROM_TIMING_COUNT);
+       if (err < 0) {
+               debug("Could not decode SROMC configuration Error: %s\n",
+                     fdt_strerror(err));
+               return -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND;
+       }
+       return 0;
+int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis)
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMC911X
+       u32 smc_bw_conf, smc_bc_conf;
+       struct fdt_sromc config;
+       fdt_addr_t base_addr;
+       int node;
+       node = decode_sromc(gd->fdt_blob, &config);
+       if (node < 0) {
+               debug("%s: Could not find sromc configuration\n", __func__);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       node = fdtdec_next_compatible(gd->fdt_blob, node, COMPAT_SMSC_LAN9215);
+       if (node < 0) {
+               debug("%s: Could not find lan9215 configuration\n", __func__);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       /* We now have a node, so any problems from now on are errors */
+       base_addr = fdtdec_get_addr(gd->fdt_blob, node, "reg");
+       if (base_addr == FDT_ADDR_T_NONE) {
+               debug("%s: Could not find lan9215 address\n", __func__);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Ethernet needs data bus width of 16 bits */
+       if (config.width != 2) {
+               debug("%s: Unsupported bus width %d\n", __func__,
+                     config.width);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       smc_bw_conf = SROMC_DATA16_WIDTH(
+                       | SROMC_BYTE_ENABLE(;
+       smc_bc_conf = SROMC_BC_TACS(config.timing[FDT_SROM_TACS])   |
+                       SROMC_BC_TCOS(config.timing[FDT_SROM_TCOS]) |
+                       SROMC_BC_TACC(config.timing[FDT_SROM_TACC]) |
+                       SROMC_BC_TCOH(config.timing[FDT_SROM_TCOH]) |
+                       SROMC_BC_TAH(config.timing[FDT_SROM_TAH])   |
+                       SROMC_BC_TACP(config.timing[FDT_SROM_TACP]) |
+                       SROMC_BC_PMC(config.timing[FDT_SROM_PMC]);
+       /* Select and configure the SROMC bank */
+       exynos_pinmux_config(PERIPH_ID_SROMC,;
+       s5p_config_sromc(, smc_bw_conf, smc_bc_conf);
+       return smc911x_initialize(0, base_addr);
+       return 0;
+int board_mmc_init(bd_t *bis)
+       int ret;
+       /* dwmmc initializattion for available channels */
+       ret = exynos_dwmmc_init(gd->fdt_blob);
+       if (ret)
+               debug("dwmmc init failed\n");
+       return ret;
+#if defined(CONFIG_POWER)
+int power_init_board(void)
+       if (pmic_init(I2C_PMIC)) {
+               debug("Could not initialise PMIC\n");
+               return -1;
+       } else {
+               return 0;
+       }
+#ifdef CONFIG_LCD
+void cfg_lcd_gpio(void)
+       struct exynos5_gpio_part1 *gpio1 =
+               (struct exynos5_gpio_part1 *)samsung_get_base_gpio_part1();
+       /* For Backlight */
+       s5p_gpio_cfg_pin(&gpio1->b2, 0, GPIO_OUTPUT);
+       s5p_gpio_set_value(&gpio1->b2, 0, 1);
+       /* LCD power on */
+       s5p_gpio_cfg_pin(&gpio1->x1, 5, GPIO_OUTPUT);
+       s5p_gpio_set_value(&gpio1->x1, 5, 1);
+       /* Set Hotplug detect for DP */
+       s5p_gpio_cfg_pin(&gpio1->x0, 7, GPIO_FUNC(0x3));
+vidinfo_t panel_info = {
+       .vl_freq        = 60,
+       .vl_col         = 2560,
+       .vl_row         = 1600,
+       .vl_width       = 2560,
+       .vl_height      = 1600,
+       .vl_clkp        = CONFIG_SYS_LOW,
+       .vl_hsp         = CONFIG_SYS_LOW,
+       .vl_vsp         = CONFIG_SYS_LOW,
+       .vl_dp          = CONFIG_SYS_LOW,
+       .vl_bpix        = 4,    /* LCD_BPP = 2^4, for output conosle on LCD */
+       /* wDP panel timing infomation */
+       .vl_hspw        = 32,
+       .vl_hbpd        = 80,
+       .vl_hfpd        = 48,
+       .vl_vspw        = 6,
+       .vl_vbpd        = 37,
+       .vl_vfpd        = 3,
+       .vl_cmd_allow_len = 0xf,
+       .win_id         = 3,
+       .cfg_gpio       = cfg_lcd_gpio,
+       .backlight_on   = NULL,
+       .lcd_power_on   = NULL,
+       .reset_lcd      = NULL,
+       .dual_lcd_enabled = 0,
+       .init_delay     = 0,
+       .power_on_delay = 0,
+       .reset_delay    = 0,
+       .interface_mode = FIMD_RGB_INTERFACE,
+       .dp_enabled     = 1,
+static struct edp_device_info edp_info = {
+       .disp_info = {
+               .h_res = 2560,
+               .h_sync_width = 32,
+               .h_back_porch = 80,
+               .h_front_porch = 48,
+               .v_res = 1600,
+               .v_sync_width  = 6,
+               .v_back_porch = 37,
+               .v_front_porch = 3,
+               .v_sync_rate = 60,
+       },
+       .lt_info = {
+               .lt_status = DP_LT_NONE,
+       },
+       .video_info = {
+               .master_mode = 0,
+               .bist_mode = DP_DISABLE,
+               .bist_pattern = NO_PATTERN,
+               .h_sync_polarity = 0,
+               .v_sync_polarity = 0,
+               .interlaced = 0,
+               .color_space = COLOR_RGB,
+               .dynamic_range = VESA,
+               .ycbcr_coeff = COLOR_YCBCR601,
+               .color_depth = COLOR_8,
+       },
+static struct exynos_dp_platform_data dp_platform_data = {
+       .phy_enable     = set_dp_phy_ctrl,
+       .edp_dev_info   = &edp_info,
+void init_panel_info(vidinfo_t *vid)
+       vid->rgb_mode   = MODE_RGB_P,
+       exynos_set_dp_platform_data(&dp_platform_data);
+int board_get_revision(void)
+       return 0;
+int checkboard(void)
+       const char *board_name;
+       board_name = fdt_getprop(gd->fdt_blob, 0, "model", NULL);
+       if (board_name == NULL)
+               printf("\nUnknown Board\n");
+       else
+               printf("\nBoard: %s\n", board_name);
+       return 0;
diff --git a/board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420_spl.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce8c475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420_spl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>
+#include <asm/arch/spl.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clk.h>
+#define SIGNATURE      0xdeadbeef
+/* Parameters of early board initialization in SPL */
+static struct spl_machine_param machine_param
+               __attribute__((section(".machine_param"))) = {
+       .signature      = SIGNATURE,
+       .version        = 1,
+       .params         = "vmubfasirM",
+       .size           = sizeof(machine_param),
+       .mem_iv_size    = 0x1f,
+       .mem_type       = DDR_MODE_DDR3,
+       /*
+        * Set uboot_size to 0x100000 bytes.
+        *
+        * This is an overly conservative value chosen to accommodate all
+        * possible U-Boot image.  You are advised to set this value to a
+        * smaller realistic size via scripts that modifies the .machine_param
+        * section of output U-Boot image.
+        */
+       .uboot_size     = 0x100000,
+       .boot_source    = BOOT_MODE_OM,
+       .frequency_mhz  = 800,
+       .arm_freq_mhz   = 900,
+       .serial_base    = 0x12c30000,
+       .i2c_base       = 0x12c60000,
+       .mem_manuf      = MEM_MANUF_SAMSUNG,
+struct spl_machine_param *spl_get_machine_params(void)
+       if (machine_param.signature != SIGNATURE) {
+               /* Will hang if SIGNATURE dont match */
+               while (1)
+                       ;
+       }
+       return &machine_param;
diff --git a/boards.cfg b/boards.cfg
index 598561b..c514bf7 100644
--- a/boards.cfg
+++ b/boards.cfg
@@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ s5pc210_universal            arm         armv7       
universal_c210      samsung
 snow                        arm         armv7       smdk5250            
samsung        exynos
 smdk5250                    arm         armv7       smdk5250            
samsung        exynos
 smdkv310                    arm         armv7       smdkv310            
samsung        exynos
+smdk5420                    arm         armv7       smdk5420            
samsung        exynos
 trats                        arm         armv7       trats               
samsung        exynos
 harmony                      arm         armv7:arm720t harmony           
nvidia         tegra20
 seaboard                     arm         armv7:arm720t seaboard          
nvidia         tegra20
diff --git a/tools/Makefile b/tools/Makefile
index b941192..5ddfa80 100644
--- a/tools/Makefile
+++ b/tools/Makefile
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ BIN_FILES-$(CONFIG_XWAY_SWAP_BYTES) += xway-swap-bytes$(SFX)
 BIN_FILES-y += mkenvimage$(SFX)
 BIN_FILES-y += mkimage$(SFX)
 BIN_FILES-$(CONFIG_MX23) += mxsboot$(SFX)
 BIN_FILES-$(CONFIG_MX28) += mxsboot$(SFX)
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ NOPED_OBJ_FILES-y += omapimage.o
 NOPED_OBJ_FILES-y += mkenvimage.o
 NOPED_OBJ_FILES-y += mkimage.o
 OBJ_FILES-$(CONFIG_EXYNOS5250) += mkexynosspl.o
+OBJ_FILES-$(CONFIG_EXYNOS5420) += mkexynosspl.o
 OBJ_FILES-$(CONFIG_MX23) += mxsboot.o
 OBJ_FILES-$(CONFIG_MX28) += mxsboot.o

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