On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 05:57:22PM +0200, Enric Balletbo Serra wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> As example, I just pushed[1] in my personal git an implementation of
> am33xx_spl_board_init for IGEP COM AQUILA AM335x based on your
> patches. As you can see this function is very similar to the function
> implemented in your patch. I wonder if it's possible implement a more
> generic form in order to avoid repeating code in board files. Maybe
> something like this :
> For am335x_evm :
>  am33xx_spl_board_init {
>     /* Get MPU max frequency */
>     mpu_pll = am335x_get_efuse_mpu_max_freq()
>     if (board_is_bone() || board_is_bone_lt())
>         tps65217_set_mpu_voltagel(mpu_pll) /* not sure if this can be generic 
> */
>     else
>         tp65910_set_mpu_voltagel(mpu_pll)
>     /* Set MPU Frequency to what we detected now that voltages are set */
>     mpu_pll_config_val(mpu_pll);
> }
> am33xx_spl_board_init {
>     /* Get MPU max frequency */
>     mpu_pll = am335x_get_efuse_mpu_max_freq()
>     /* Set PMIC MPU voltage */
>     tp65910_set_mpu_voltagel(mpu_pll)
>     /* Set MPU Frequency to what we detected now that voltages are set */
>     mpu_pll_config_val(mpu_pll);
> }
> [1] 
> https://github.com/eballetbo/u-boot/commit/2f5b68bd9b6978d7571c846d7ce8d183ead571b1

OK, I've done some consolidation, but the per-board part is still a few
calls since as I noted in my other reply, tps65910 is not a
am335x-specific chip.  Heiko, can you take a quick look at how the
siemens boards would use this?  Are they also using the tps65910 or
something else?  I'm not opposed to throwing a
am335x_tps65910_set_max_mpu() or so in sys_info.c or something and
marking it weak just in case another way of using the 65910 ends up
existing, but I don't want to throw it into
drivers/power/pmic/pmic_tps65910.c.  Thanks!


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