Albert ARIBAUD <> writes:

> Although, with recent proposals like the TPL one:
> ... I am toying with the idea of a more generic build mechanism which
> would allow a target to specify as many binaries as it needs, each with
> its own configuration.

FWIW, I like the idea. Apart from streamlining the current code, it
would allow building custom chains of bootloaders. One thing I could use
for development would be a minimal stage that can load one of two
"normal" / full-blown U-Boot versions, similar to dual BIOS support on
modern x86 PCs. All devices I work with can be un-bricked reasonably
easily, but for most of them it either requires manual interaction
(e.g. the push-button for UART boot on CuBox) or prevents "normal" boots
(e.g. removing the SD card on Wandboard so that it boots via USB
_instead_ of from SD card).

In addition, it would allow customising SPL features without having to
introduce more special code.


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