Hi Eric, Hi everyone else,
> It seems that there are two policy differences between
> the mx6qsabrelite.h and nitrogen6x.h files:
> 1. Use of MMC for environment storage
> 2. Use of boot script in nitrogen6x
> I think we can dispense with #1. Can you think of any reason
> a user would care where this is stored?
I don't agree. I usually don't have a MMC put into the slot on my board,
as I want to boot my board via NFS. Last week I had exactly the situation
that my environment was resetted everytime i rebooted the board. Since i
was testing a very unstable kernel, this happened a lot and i had to
reinitialise the environment for networking booting every time. At the end
it took me half an hour to find the swtich and the thing was done. But
mentioning the fact in the README would have saved some time. :)
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