Hi wonderful folks! I own an odroid-u2 and the u-boot that comes with it does not have usb support. Its configuration is smdk4412 and I do not find that in the u-boot sources. I see it in the arndale and harkernel branches.
I do see that usb support was added to the arndale platform - which is exynos5 based. Is it easy to port it for exynos4412? I did try it porting on my own accord and am listing it below... I seem to be hitting issues in drivers/usb/host/ehci-exynos.c -> function setup_usb_phy(struct exynos_usb_phy *usb). Would passing the correct address of usb for the exynos4412 do the trick? If so what should it be? In this same file ehci_hcd_init() uses gpio->x3 and gpio->d1. In exynos4 looks like x3 is from gpio_part2. Also, do the d1 and x3 translate to the same gpiod1 and gpiox3 in the exynos4412? Furthermore, ehci-exynos.c uses functions from arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/system.c which for the most part are exynos5 oriented and do nothing for exynos4. Can someone guide me as to what I could do, or some pointers to helpful docs? I do have the Exynos 4412 user manual. Thanks - Suriyan
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