On 06/28/2013 03:15:03 PM, kqt4a...@gmail.com wrote:
I thought I should ask before I screw this up. I have a new uboot that I load with kwboot. It works fine and I want to write it to nand. I see many references to write it after loading with tftp but not kwboot. Can I do this? How? This is to a Guruplug. Using tftp

tftp 0x6400000 u-boot.kwb
nand erase 0x00000000 0x0100000
nand write 0x6400000 0x0000000 0x80000

I'm not familiar with guruplug or kwboot (if you want an answer from someone who is, you should put it in the subject line) -- but assuming the image is supposed to be written to the beginning of NAND, the commands look good.

I'm curious why you erase 1 MiB but only write 512 KiB, though. Even if your erase block size really is that large, the "nand erase" command will round up (so you can use $filesize if you want).

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