Hello Jagan,

Jagan Teki <jagannadh.t...@gmail.com> writes:

> Looks ok to me as per coding style after a quick look.

Thanks for the review.

> Done use the below tag code instead go for spi_alloc_slave()
> see the sample code on "drivers/spi/exynos_spi.c"
> ----------------------- TAG+
>> +       slave = malloc(sizeof(struct spi_slave));
>> +       if (!slave)
>> +               return NULL;
>> +
>> +       slave->bus = bus;
>> +       slave->cs = cs;
>> +
> --------------------- TAG-

That's going to be fixed in the next version which builds directly on
kirkwood_spi (rather than duplicating it), which already uses

>> +__attribute__((weak)) int board_spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave)
> Why your using __attribute__((weak)) here, may be use to pre-load the
> symbol library
> but what is the use case here?

That's coming from kirkwood_spi. The Keymile boards apparently use it to
select between NAND and SPI flash (see board/keymile/km_arm/km_arm.c).


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