On 06/25/2013 11:27 PM, Sascha Silbe wrote:
The GPIO support of Dove is very similar to that on Kirkwood (and
possibly orion5x as well). Instead of duplicating the code, we tweak
the Kirkwood driver so it works for Dove, too.
Signed-off-by: Sascha Silbe<t-ub...@infra-silbe.de>
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/kw_gpio.c b/drivers/gpio/kw_gpio.c
index 51a826d..d6fdb69 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/kw_gpio.c
+++ b/drivers/gpio/kw_gpio.c
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
- * arch/arm/plat-orion/gpio.c
+ * Marvell Dove and Kirkwood SoC GPIO handling
- * Marvell Orion SoC GPIO handling.
+ * Sebastian Hesselbarth<sebastian.hesselba...@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Based on (mostly copied from) plat-orion based Linux 2.6 kernel driver.
+ * Removed orion_gpiochip struct and kernel level irq handling.
+ * Dieter Kiermaier dk-arm-li...@gmx.de
int kw_gpio_is_valid(unsigned pin, int mode)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ int kw_gpio_is_valid(unsigned pin, int mode)
- printf("%s: invalid GPIO %d\n", __func__, pin);
+ printf("%s: invalid GPIO %d/%d\n", __func__, pin, GPIO_MAX);
nit: indent with TAB
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