
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Vadim Bendebury <> wrote:
> This is not a big deal for u-boot (maybe very marginally inefficient
> when determining the actual memory size). Is this a big deal for
> kernel? I mean it is easy to squash these seven memory banks into one
> when filling out the memory node of the device tree, the question is
> is it even necessary?

I think the kernel can go either way.  It can handle 1 big bank or 7
banks.  The parts that were broken in the past were:
* U-boot would refuse to tell the kernel about more than 4 banks
(that's what my patch fixed).
* The kernel choked if it was told about a bogus 8th bank that started
at 0 and was 0 bytes big.

What about if we just take my patch to support more than 4 banks
(Vadim now has good justification for needing it)?  ...and then we'll
fix our U-Boot not to tell the kernel about a bogus 8th bank (that was
just a bug in our config file).
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