Hello Masahiro-san

> Hi, Marek Vasut
> > Hello Masahiro-san,
> > 
> > > Dear Andrew Gabbasov,
> > 
> > This way of starting emails seems to be dangerously widely adopted ;-D
> Thank you for your respond, but I could not understand what you mean.
> Do you mean that starting emails with "Dear" is something strange?

No no, don't worry, I was just laughing about it :-)

> Starting with "Hi" or "Hello" is more natural?
> I'm not very good at English, so I don't understand
> English nuances and customs.
> If there is something strange, please let me know. I'll appreciate it.
> (You called me with  "-san". You're right. I'm Japanese.)

Your english is better than my japaneese :-)

> > I think we should make sure to use natural alignment as much as possible,
> I understand.
> With all members of 'struct cfi_qry' having u8 type,
> I think '__attribute__((packed))' can be omitted.

Yes, no padding should happen now so it'd be ok to drop this ... unless we 
compile for 64-bit architecture. Tom?

> > really. I'm keeping Albert in CC because this is his turf.
> Sorry for inconvenience in my previous mail, but it was not malicious.

No no, don't worry.

> I am new to this mailing list.
> (I subscribed this U-Boot mailing list at May, 8.)
> At first, I subscribed as a digested user.
> When I tried to post a reply to this thread,
> I recognized digest mails are not useful for replying.
> I had no separated mails in my mail box and I could not simply reply
> with my mail agent.
> In order to post to this thread, I filled 'In-Reply-To:', 'Reference:'
> fields etc by a unusual way.
> And I dropped 'CC:' field accidentally.
> Thanks for adding CC again.

It found it's way to us so it's ok.

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
U-Boot mailing list

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