Hi, Marek Vasut

> Hello Masahiro-san,
> > Dear Andrew Gabbasov,
> This way of starting emails seems to be dangerously widely adopted ;-D

Thank you for your respond, but I could not understand what you mean.
Do you mean that starting emails with "Dear" is something strange?
Starting with "Hi" or "Hello" is more natural?
I'm not very good at English, so I don't understand
English nuances and customs.
If there is something strange, please let me know. I'll appreciate it.
(You called me with  "-san". You're right. I'm Japanese.)

> I think we should make sure to use natural alignment as much as possible, 

I understand.

With all members of 'struct cfi_qry' having u8 type,
I think '__attribute__((packed))' can be omitted.

> really. I'm keeping Albert in CC because this is his turf.

Sorry for inconvenience in my previous mail, but it was not malicious.

I am new to this mailing list.
(I subscribed this U-Boot mailing list at May, 8.)

At first, I subscribed as a digested user.
When I tried to post a reply to this thread,
I recognized digest mails are not useful for replying.
I had no separated mails in my mail box and I could not simply reply
with my mail agent.

In order to post to this thread, I filled 'In-Reply-To:', 'Reference:'
fields etc by a unusual way.
And I dropped 'CC:' field accidentally.

Thanks for adding CC again.

Best regards,

U-Boot mailing list

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