Linker script is not able find start.o binary. So add its absolute path in This change is similar to

common/Makefile: Avoid compiling unnecssary files

fsl_ifc_spl.c : It is is responsible for reading u-boot binary from
NAND flash and copying into DDR. It also transfer cotrol from NAND SPL
to u-boot image present in DDR.

Signed-off-by: Prabhakar Kushwaha <>
Based upon git:// branch master

 Changes for v2: Sending as it is
 Changes for v3: Fix tools/checkpatch errors
 Changes for v4: Sending as it is

 arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/ |    2 +-
 board/freescale/common/Makefile         |   10 ++
 drivers/mtd/nand/Makefile               |    1 +
 drivers/mtd/nand/fsl_ifc_spl.c          |  258 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/mtd/nand/fsl_ifc_spl.c

diff --git a/arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/ 
index f2b7bff..cf6fa7c 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/
+++ b/arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ SECTIONS
 #if defined(CONFIG_FSL_IFC) /* Restrict bootpg at 4K boundry for IFC */
        .bootpg ADDR(.text) + 0x1000 :
-               start.o (.bootpg)
+               arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/start.o (.bootpg)
 #define RESET_VECTOR_OFFSET 0x1ffc /* IFC has 8K sram */
 #elif defined(CONFIG_FSL_ELBC)
diff --git a/board/freescale/common/Makefile b/board/freescale/common/Makefile
index 75725b4..a4d521c 100644
--- a/board/freescale/common/Makefile
+++ b/board/freescale/common/Makefile
@@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ endif
 LIB    = $(obj)libfreescale.o
+ifndef MINIMAL
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_FSL_CADMUS)     += cadmus.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_FSL_VIA)                += cds_via.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_FMAN_ENET)      += fman.o
@@ -62,6 +71,7 @@ SUBLIB-$(CONFIG_P3041DS)      += p_corenet/libp_corenet.o
 SUBLIB-$(CONFIG_P4080DS)       += p_corenet/libp_corenet.o
 SUBLIB-$(CONFIG_P5020DS)       += p_corenet/libp_corenet.o
 SUBLIB-$(CONFIG_P5040DS)       += p_corenet/libp_corenet.o
 SRCS   := $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS-y:.o=.c)
 OBJS   := $(addprefix $(obj),$(COBJS-y))
diff --git a/drivers/mtd/nand/Makefile b/drivers/mtd/nand/Makefile
index c77c0c4..9d7deb8 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/nand/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/mtd/nand/Makefile
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ COBJS-$(CONFIG_NAND_PLAT) += nand_plat.o
 else  # minimal SPL drivers
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_NAND_FSL_ELBC) += fsl_elbc_spl.o
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_NAND_FSL_IFC) += fsl_ifc_spl.o
 endif # drivers
 endif # nand
diff --git a/drivers/mtd/nand/fsl_ifc_spl.c b/drivers/mtd/nand/fsl_ifc_spl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adfe7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/mtd/nand/fsl_ifc_spl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ * NAND boot for Freescale Integrated Flash Controller, NAND FCM
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ * Author: Dipen Dudhat <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/fsl_ifc.h>
+#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
+static inline int is_blank(uchar *addr, int page_size)
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < page_size; i++) {
+               if (__raw_readb(&addr[i]) != 0xff)
+                       return 0;
+       }
+       /*
+        * For the SPL, don't worry about uncorrectable errors
+        * where the main area is all FFs but shouldn't be.
+        */
+       return 1;
+/* returns nonzero if entire page is blank */
+static inline int check_read_ecc(uchar *buf, u32 *eccstat,
+                                unsigned int bufnum, int page_size)
+       u32 reg = eccstat[bufnum / 4];
+       int errors = (reg >> ((3 - bufnum % 4) * 8)) & 15;
+       if (errors == 15) { /* uncorrectable */
+               /* Blank pages fail hw ECC checks */
+               if (is_blank(buf, page_size))
+                       return 1;
+               puts("ecc error\n");
+               for (;;)
+                       ;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static inline void nand_wait(uchar *buf, int bufnum, int page_size)
+       struct fsl_ifc *ifc = IFC_BASE_ADDR;
+       u32 status;
+       u32 eccstat[4];
+       int bufperpage = page_size / 512;
+       int bufnum_end, i;
+       bufnum *= bufperpage;
+       bufnum_end = bufnum + bufperpage - 1;
+       do {
+               status = in_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_evter_stat);
+       } while (!(status & IFC_NAND_EVTER_STAT_OPC));
+       if (status & IFC_NAND_EVTER_STAT_FTOER) {
+               puts("flash time out error\n");
+               for (;;)
+                       ;
+       }
+       for (i = bufnum / 4; i <= bufnum_end / 4; i++)
+               eccstat[i] = in_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_eccstat[i]);
+       for (i = bufnum; i <= bufnum_end; i++) {
+               if (check_read_ecc(buf, eccstat, i, page_size))
+                       break;
+       }
+       out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_evter_stat, status);
+static inline int bad_block(uchar *marker, int port_size)
+       if (port_size == 8)
+               return __raw_readb(marker) != 0xff;
+       else
+               return __raw_readw((u16 *)marker) != 0xffff;
+static void nand_load(unsigned int offs, int uboot_size, uchar *dst)
+       struct fsl_ifc *ifc = IFC_BASE_ADDR;
+       uchar *buf = (uchar *)CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BASE;
+       int page_size;
+       int port_size;
+       int pages_per_blk;
+       int blk_size;
+       int bad_marker = 0;
+       int bufnum_mask, bufnum;
+       int csor, cspr;
+       int pos = 0;
+       int j = 0;
+       int sram_addr;
+       int pg_no;
+       /* Get NAND Flash configuration */
+       csor = CONFIG_SYS_NAND_CSOR;
+       cspr = CONFIG_SYS_NAND_CSPR;
+       port_size = (cspr & CSPR_PORT_SIZE_16) ? 16 : 8;
+       if (csor & CSOR_NAND_PGS_4K) {
+               page_size = 4096;
+               bufnum_mask = 1;
+       } else if (csor & CSOR_NAND_PGS_2K) {
+               page_size = 2048;
+               bufnum_mask = 3;
+       } else {
+               page_size = 512;
+               bufnum_mask = 15;
+               if (port_size == 8)
+                       bad_marker = 5;
+       }
+       pages_per_blk =
+               32 << ((csor & CSOR_NAND_PB_MASK) >> CSOR_NAND_PB_SHIFT);
+       blk_size = pages_per_blk * page_size;
+       /* Open Full SRAM mapping for spare are access */
+       out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.ncfgr, 0x0);
+       /* Clear Boot events */
+       out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_evter_stat, 0xffffffff);
+       /* Program FIR/FCR for Large/Small page */
+       if (page_size > 512) {
+               out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_fir0,
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_CW0 << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP0_SHIFT) |
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_CA0 << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP1_SHIFT) |
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_RA0 << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP2_SHIFT) |
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_CMD1 << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP3_SHIFT) |
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_BTRD << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP4_SHIFT));
+               out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_fir1, 0x0);
+               out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_fcr0,
+                        (NAND_CMD_READ0 << IFC_NAND_FCR0_CMD0_SHIFT) |
+                        (NAND_CMD_READSTART << IFC_NAND_FCR0_CMD1_SHIFT));
+       } else {
+               out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_fir0,
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_CW0 << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP0_SHIFT) |
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_CA0 << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP1_SHIFT) |
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_RA0  << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP2_SHIFT) |
+                        (IFC_FIR_OP_BTRD << IFC_NAND_FIR0_OP3_SHIFT));
+               out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_fir1, 0x0);
+               out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_fcr0,
+                        NAND_CMD_READ0 << IFC_NAND_FCR0_CMD0_SHIFT);
+       }
+       /* Program FBCR = 0 for full page read */
+       out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nand_fbcr, 0);
+       /* Read and copy u-boot on SDRAM from NAND device, In parallel
+        * check for Bad block if found skip it and read continue to
+        * next Block
+        */
+       while (pos < uboot_size) {
+               int i = 0;
+               do {
+                       pg_no = offs / page_size;
+                       bufnum = pg_no & bufnum_mask;
+                       sram_addr = bufnum * page_size * 2;
+                       out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.row0, pg_no);
+                       out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.col0, 0);
+                       /* start read */
+                       out_be32(&ifc->ifc_nand.nandseq_strt,
+                                IFC_NAND_SEQ_STRT_FIR_STRT);
+                       /* wait for read to complete */
+                       nand_wait(&buf[sram_addr], bufnum, page_size);
+                       /*
+                        * If either of the first two pages are marked bad,
+                        * continue to the next block.
+                        */
+                       if (i++ < 2 &&
+                           bad_block(&buf[sram_addr + page_size + bad_marker],
+                                     port_size)) {
+                               puts("skipping\n");
+                               offs = (offs + blk_size) & ~(blk_size - 1);
+                               pos &= ~(blk_size - 1);
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       for (j = 0; j < page_size; j++)
+                               dst[pos + j] = __raw_readb(&buf[sram_addr + j]);
+                       pos += page_size;
+                       offs += page_size;
+               } while ((offs & (blk_size - 1)) && (pos < uboot_size));
+       }
+ * Main entrypoint for NAND Boot. It's necessary that SDRAM is already
+ * configured and available since this code loads the main U-boot image
+ * from NAND into SDRAM and starts from there.
+ */
+void nand_boot(void)
+       __attribute__((noreturn)) void (*uboot)(void);
+       /*
+        * Load U-Boot image from NAND into RAM
+        */
+                 (uchar *)CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_DST);
+                 (uchar *)CONFIG_NAND_ENV_DST);
+                 (uchar *)CONFIG_NAND_ENV_DST + CONFIG_ENV_SIZE);
+       /*
+        * Jump to U-Boot image
+        */
+       /*
+        * Clean d-cache and invalidate i-cache, to
+        * make sure that no stale data is executed.
+        */
+       uboot = (void *)CONFIG_SYS_NAND_U_BOOT_START;
+       uboot();

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