Thanks Dirk,

On 04/02/2013 11:10 AM, Dirk Behme wrote:
Am 02.04.2013 17:49, schrieb Eric Nelson:
Thanks Andrew,

On 04/02/2013 03:04 AM, Andrew Gabbasov wrote:
On iMX6 sometimes the Transfer Complete interrupt occurs earlier
than the DMA part completes its operation. If immediately after that
the read data is used for some data verification, those obtained data
may be incomplete, which causes intermittent verification failures.

Can you describe how to repeat this?

For example, when the default environment command tries to load and run
boot script from FAT partition on SD/MMC card, it sometimes fails,
reporting invalid partition table, or unknown partition type, or
something else of that kind. Such errors disappear if the build
configuration has CONFIG_SYS_FSL_ESDHC_USE_PIO, or if some delay
is added after transfer completion.

We do this on every boot on SABRE Lite and Nitrogen6x boards,
and haven't seen an issue.

What board are you testing on?

Do you have cache enabled?

Is this with an SD card or eMMC?

Andrew will have the details, but to my understanding this implements in
U-Boot what the Freescale kernel has in

Andrew, did you trap one of these?

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