Dear Albert,

The following changes since commit 9f024f62e4604274a23213dcee30016092e32e7b:

  Merge branch 'fixes' of git:// (2013-02-15 12:23:42 

are available in the git repository at:

  git:// master

for you to fetch changes up to ce0c1bc13556fbf1bdfa2a4a27ca6744e7beb32a:

  mmc:sdhci:fix: Change default interrupts enabled at SDHCI initialization 
(2013-03-12 19:50:49 +0900)

Akshay Saraswat (8):
      Exynos5: TMU: Add driver for Thermal Management Unit
      Exynos5: FDT: Add TMU device node values
      Exynos5: TMU: Add TMU init and status check
      Exynos5: Config: Enable support for Exynos TMU driver
      TMU: Add TMU support in dtt command
      Exynos5: Config: Enable dtt command for TMU
      Exynos5: TMU: Add hardware tripping
      Exynos5: FDT: Add a H/W-trip member to TMU node

Rajeshwari Shinde (11):
      EXYNOS5: Add function to setup set ps hold
      SMDK5250: Add PMIC voltage settings
      EXYNOS5: Add function to enable XXTI clock source
      Sound: MAX98095: Add the driver for codec
      Sound: Support for MAX98095 codec in driver
      EXYNOS5: GPIO to enable MAX98095
      EXYNOS5: FDT: Add compatible strings for MAX98095
      config: Snow: Enable MAX98095 codec
      SMDK5250: FDT: Retrieve board model via DT
      EXYNOS5: Add initial DTS file for Snow.
      EXYNOS5: Snow: Add a configuration file

Simon Glass (1):
      EXYNOS: Correct ordering of SPL machine_params

Ɓukasz Majewski (1):
      mmc:sdhci:fix: Change default interrupts enabled at SDHCI initialization

 MAINTAINERS                               |    4 +
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/exynos/power.c         |   45 +++
 arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi              |    5 +
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/power.h  |   24 ++
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/spl.h    |    3 +-
 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/tmu.h    |   58 +++
 board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-smdk5250.dts |   13 +
 board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-snow.dts     |   58 +++
 board/samsung/smdk5250/smdk5250.c         |  178 +++++++++-
 boards.cfg                                |    1 +
 common/cmd_dtt.c                          |   32 +-
 doc/device-tree-bindings/exynos/tmu.txt   |   44 +++
 drivers/mmc/sdhci.c                       |    8 +-
 drivers/power/Makefile                    |    1 +
 drivers/power/exynos-tmu.c                |  319 +++++++++++++++++
 drivers/sound/Makefile                    |    1 +
 drivers/sound/max98095.c                  |  550 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/sound/max98095.h                  |  311 ++++++++++++++++
 drivers/sound/sound.c                     |    9 +-
 include/configs/exynos5250-dt.h           |    6 +
 include/configs/snow.h                    |   33 ++
 include/fdtdec.h                          |    2 +
 include/power/max77686_pmic.h             |   32 ++
 include/sound.h                           |    1 +
 include/tmu.h                             |   46 +++
 lib/fdtdec.c                              |    2 +
 26 files changed, 1776 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/tmu.h
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/dts/exynos5250-snow.dts
 create mode 100644 doc/device-tree-bindings/exynos/tmu.txt
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/exynos-tmu.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/sound/max98095.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/sound/max98095.h
 create mode 100644 include/configs/snow.h
 create mode 100644 include/tmu.h

Minkyu Kang.
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