[U-Boot] [PATCH] NetLoop initialization bug

Upon u-boot's start up the first ping command causes a failure of the
consequent TFTP command. It happens in the recently added mechanism of
the NetLoop initialization where initialization of global network parameters is
separated in the NetInitLoop routine which is called per env_id change.
Thus, ping request will initialize the network parameters necessary for ping
operation only, afterwards the env_changed_id will be set to the env_id
that will prevent all following initialization requests from other protocols.
The problem is that the initialized by ping subset of network parameters is not
sufficient for other protocols and particularly for TFTP
which requires the NetServerIp also.

Signed-off-by: michael.zaid...@kodak.com

diff --git a/net/net.c b/net/net.c
index a89f6a0..dc98d0f 100644
--- a/net/net.c
+++ b/net/net.c
@@ -288,64 +288,13 @@ NetInitLoop(proto_t protocol)
        if (env_changed_id == env_id)
                return 0;

-       switch (protocol) {
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NFS)
-       case NFS:
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PING)
-       case PING:
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_SNTP)
-       case SNTP:
-       case NETCONS:
-       case TFTP:
-               NetCopyIP(&NetOurIP, &bd->bi_ip_addr);
-               NetOurGatewayIP = getenv_IPaddr ("gatewayip");
-               NetOurSubnetMask= getenv_IPaddr ("netmask");
-               NetOurVLAN = getenv_VLAN("vlan");
-               NetOurNativeVLAN = getenv_VLAN("nvlan");
+       NetCopyIP(&NetOurIP, &bd->bi_ip_addr);
+       NetOurGatewayIP = getenv_IPaddr ("gatewayip");
+       NetOurSubnetMask= getenv_IPaddr ("netmask");
+       NetServerIP = getenv_IPaddr ("serverip");
+       NetOurNativeVLAN = getenv_VLAN("nvlan");
+       NetOurVLAN = getenv_VLAN("vlan");

-               switch (protocol) {
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NFS)
-               case NFS:
-               case NETCONS:
-               case TFTP:
-                       NetServerIP = getenv_IPaddr ("serverip");
-                       break;
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PING)
-               case PING:
-                       /* nothing */
-                       break;
-#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_SNTP)
-               case SNTP:
-                       /* nothing */
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       break;
-               }
-               break;
-       case BOOTP:
-       case RARP:
-               /*
-                * initialize our IP addr to 0 in order to accept ANY
-                * IP addr assigned to us by the BOOTP / RARP server
-                */
-               NetOurIP = 0;
-               NetServerIP = getenv_IPaddr ("serverip");
-               NetOurVLAN = getenv_VLAN("vlan");       /* VLANs must be read */
-               NetOurNativeVLAN = getenv_VLAN("nvlan");
-       case CDP:
-               NetOurVLAN = getenv_VLAN("vlan");       /* VLANs must be read */
-               NetOurNativeVLAN = getenv_VLAN("nvlan");
-               break;
-       default:
-               break;
-       }
        env_changed_id = env_id;
        return 0;
@@ -443,18 +392,19 @@ restart:
                        /* Start with a clean slate... */
                        BootpTry = 0;
                        NetOurIP = 0;
-                       NetServerIP = getenv_IPaddr ("serverip");
                        DhcpRequest();          /* Basically same as BOOTP */

                case BOOTP:
                        BootpTry = 0;
+                       NetOurIP = 0;
                        BootpRequest ();

                case RARP:
                        RarpTry = 0;
+                       NetOurIP = 0;
                        RarpRequest ();
 #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PING)

Michael Zaidman,
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