Add DT node and bindings documentation for FIMD.

Signed-off-by: Ajay Kumar <>
 arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi                 |  6 ++
 doc/device-tree-bindings/video/exynos-fb.txt | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/device-tree-bindings/video/exynos-fb.txt

diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi
index ed8c8dd..3d8f747 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/exynos5250.dtsi
@@ -151,4 +151,10 @@
+       fimd@14400000 {
+               compatible = "samsung,exynos-fimd";
+               reg = <0x14400000 0x10000>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <1>;
+       };
diff --git a/doc/device-tree-bindings/video/exynos-fb.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb7441c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/device-tree-bindings/video/exynos-fb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Exynos Display Controller
+Required properties:
+SOC specific:
+       compatible: should be "samsung,exynos-fimd"
+       reg: Base address of FIMD IP.
+Board(panel specific):
+       samsung,vl-col: X resolution of the panel
+       samsung,vl-row: Y resolution of the panel
+       samsung,vl-freq: Refresh rate
+       samsung,vl-bpix: Bits per pixel
+       samsung,vl-hspw: Hsync value
+       samsung,vl-hfpd: Right margin
+       samsung,vl-hbpd: Left margin
+       samsung,vl-vspw: Vsync value
+       samsung,vl-vfpd: Lower margin
+       samsung,vl-vbpd: Upper margin
+Optional properties:
+Board(panel specific):
+       samsung,vl-width: width of display area in mm
+       samsung,vl-height: Height of display area in mm
+       samsung,vl-clkp: Clock polarity
+               CONFIG_SYS_LOW if defined, else CONFIG_SYS_HIGH
+       samsung,vl-oep: Output Enable polarity
+               CONFIG_SYS_LOW if defined, else CONFIG_SYS_HIGH
+       samsung,vl-hsp: Horizontal Sync polarity
+               CONFIG_SYS_LOW if defined, else CONFIG_SYS_HIGH
+       samsung,vl-vsp: Vertical Sync polarity
+               CONFIG_SYS_LOW if defined, else CONFIG_SYS_HIGH
+       samsung,vl-dp: Data polarity
+               CONFIG_SYS_LOW if defined, else CONFIG_SYS_HIGH
+       samsung,vl-cmd-allow-len: Wait end of frame
+       samsung,winid: Window number on which data is to be displayed
+       samsung,init-delay: Delay before LCD initialization starts
+       samsung,power-on-delay: Delay after LCD is powered on
+       samsung,reset-delay: Delay after LCD is reset
+       samsung,interface-mode: 1(FIMD_RGB_INTERFACE), 2(FIMD_CPU_INTERFACE)
+       samsung,mipi-enabled: 1 if you want to use MIPI, else 0
+       samsung,dp-enabled: 1is you want to use DP, else 0
+       samsung,cs-setup: cs_setup value in FIMD_CPU_INTERFACE mode.
+       samsung,wr-setup: wr_setup value in FIMD_CPU_INTERFACE mode.
+       samsung,wr-act: wr_act value in FIMD_CPU_INTERFACE mode.
+       samsung,wr-hold: wr_hold value in FIMD_CPU_INTERFACE mode.
+       samsung,logo-on: 1 if you want to use custom logo.
+                        0 if you want LCD console.
+       samsung,logo-width: pixel width of logo image. Valid if logo_on = 1
+       samsung,logo-height: pixel height of logo image. Valid if logo_on = 1
+       samsung,logo-addr: Address of logo image. Valid if logo_on = 1
+       samsung,rgb-mode: 0(MODE_RGB_P), 1(MODE_BGR_P),
+                         2(MODE_RGB_S), 3(MODE_BGR_S)
+       samsung,pclk-name: parent clock identifier: 1(MPLL), 2(EPLL), 3(VPLL)
+       samsung,sclk-div: parent_clock/source_clock ratio
+       samsung,dual-lcd-enabled: 1 if you support two LCD, else 0
+SOC specific part:
+       fimd@14400000 {
+               compatible = "samsung,exynos-fimd";
+               reg = <0x14400000 0x10000>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <1>;
+       };
+Board specific part:
+       fimd@14400000 {
+               samsung,vl-freq = <60>;
+               samsung,vl-col = <2560>;
+               samsung,vl-row = <1600>;
+               samsung,vl-width = <2560>;
+               samsung,vl-height = <1600>;
+               samsung,vl-clkp;
+               samsung,vl-dp;
+               samsung,vl-bpix = <4>;
+               samsung,vl-hspw = <32>;
+               samsung,vl-hbpd = <80>;
+               samsung,vl-hfpd = <48>;
+               samsung,vl-vspw = <6>;
+               samsung,vl-vbpd = <37>;
+               samsung,vl-vfpd = <3>;
+               samsung,vl-cmd-allow-len = <0xf>;
+               samsung,winid = <3>;
+               samsung,interface-mode = <1>;
+               samsung,dp-enabled = <1>;
+               samsung,dual-lcd-enabled = <0>;
+       };

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