On 01/17/2013 08:45:36 PM, Xie Shaohui-B21989 wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wood Scott-B07421
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 4:29 AM
> To: Xie Shaohui-B21989
> Cc: u-boot@lists.denx.de
> Subject: Re: [U-Boot] [PATCH 1/3] powerpc/p5040: enable NAND boot support
> On 01/15/2013 08:39:38 PM, Shaohui Xie wrote:
> > Signed-off-by: Shaohui Xie <shaohui....@freescale.com>
> > ---
> >  boards.cfg |    1 +
> >  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
> >
> > diff --git a/boards.cfg b/boards.cfg
> > index e4b0d44..8cf4936 100644
> > --- a/boards.cfg
> > +++ b/boards.cfg
> > @@ -855,6 +855,7 @@ P5020DS_SECURE_BOOT          powerpc
> > mpc85xx     corenet_ds          freesca
> >  P5020DS_SPIFLASH          powerpc     mpc85xx
> > corenet_ds          freescale      -
> >  P5020DS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT          powerpc     mpc85xx
> > corenet_ds          freescale      -
> >  P5040DS                      powerpc     mpc85xx
> > corenet_ds          freescale
> > +P5040DS_NAND              powerpc     mpc85xx
> > corenet_ds          freescale      -
> >  BSC9131RDB_SPIFLASH          powerpc     mpc85xx
> > bsc9131rdb          freescale      -
> >  stxgp3                       powerpc     mpc85xx
> > stxgp3              stx
> >  stxssa                       powerpc     mpc85xx
> > stxssa              stx            -           stxssa
> This needs more explanation. What sort of image am I supposed to get
> when I build "P5040DS_NAND"?  Where is the PBI?
[S.H] there is already a readme for p3041/p5020/p4080 (doc/README.pblimage),
With the PBL tool, we will get a ramboot image "u-boot.pbl".
and also the PBI, it is shared by P3/P4/P5.

The question is how is the user to know that something called "pblimage" is relevant to booting from NAND on P5040? Maybe a README.corenet_ds (or board/freescale/corenet_ds/README), that points to README.pblimage?

You don't even update strings like "P3041/P5020" in README.pblimage to include P5040. :-) Why is P4080 excluded, BTW? I realize that P4080DS doesn't have NAND, but the file talks about chips, not boards.

> What is the long-term plan for fixing the problem of the environment not
> being available until after relocation?  With SPL we could use
> CONFIG_NAND_ENV_DST (which has some issues, but they're fixable).
[S.H] this will need export some NAND read APIs (like load ENV stuff from CONFIG_NAND_ENV_DST),
then they can be reused before relocation even not using SPL.
Please suggest.

The full NAND subsystem will not work before relocation. Your options are to either use SPL (note that you'll have no 4K limitation in this case, so you can do SPD DDR init), or make the SPL code available in non-SPL context somehow. I think the former would be easier.

> It would also be nice to include instructions for configuring the board
> to boot from NAND in a README
[S.H] This exist in the above readme.

I only see hardware switch settings. Is there no way to soft-boot into NAND (similar to using "pixis/qixis altbank" to boot into an alternate NOR bank)? Our e500v2-based boards have been able to do this...

(Freescale's user manuals often do not make
> this clear, especially for soft configuration). Also please provide a > built-in command (or script in the default environment) to soft-boot into
> NAND (or if it already exists, please document it).
[S.H] I was told that when doing ramboot, I should not assume the board has a NOR flash, for ex. on customer's board, they may only have NAND. So I did not do this.

I'm not asking you to assume that, just to provide some helpful instructions for people who happen to have both (in addition to the hardware switch instructions that are already there). Actually, these instructions (both soft boot and hardware switches) are board-specific rather than SoC-specific and should go in a board README instead. And once you know we're talking about a corenet_ds board, you know we have NOR.

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