I am also not able to erase my flash in U-Boot  2008.10 (nor Flash) .
All flash operations worked correctly in U-boot 1.2 .
I am using The CFI driver and the output of flinfo in both U-boot 1.2
and U-Boot 2008 are the same:

    Bank # 1: CFI conformant FLASH (32 x 16)  Size: 128 MB in 512 Sectors
      AMD Standard command set, Manufacturer ID: 0x01, Device ID: 0x7E2301
      Erase timeout: 16384 ms, write timeout: 2 ms
      Buffer write timeout: 5 ms, buffer size: 32 bytes

The flash is not locked, I did try using the command protect off all
before erasing a sector, with no result. I am Unable to write to flash
manually using uboot commands ( mw, mm , or copy). I have placed the
console output of my copy attempt below ( DEBUG is defined)

    UBoot=> md ff000000             
    ff000000: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
    ff000010: ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff    ................
    UBoot=> cp.b fa000000 ff000000 10
    Copy to Flash... fwc addr ff001554 cmd aa 00aa00aa 32bit x 16 bit
    fwc addr ff000aa8 cmd 55 00550055 32bit x 16 bit
    fwc addr ff001554 cmd a0 00a000a0 32bit x 16 bit
    flash_is_busy: 0

Can Anyone pls help?
thanks pieter
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