Dear Wolfgang,

Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>>Subject: [PATCH-OMAP3] OMAP3: Remove BITx magic
>>From: Dirk Behme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Remove bits.h and it's macros usage. Requested by Wolfgang Denk.
>>Signed-off-by: Dirk Behme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...
>> /* device type */
>>-#define DEVICE_MASK          (BIT8 | BIT9 | BIT10)
>>+#define DEVICE_MASK          (0x7 << 8)
> That's a funny way to make code difficult to read. Why do you prefer
> "(0x7 << 8)" instead of "0x700" (which looks more obvious to me) ?
>>-#define DLL_NO_FILTER_MASK   (BIT8 | BIT9)
>>+#define DLL_NO_FILTER_MASK   ((0x1 << 9) | (0x1 << 8))
> Ditto here - why not simply 0x300 ?

For my taste the << style makes it easier to create macros from TRM 
and later to review code against TRM.

Maybe 0x700 and 0x300 are easy cases, but for e.g


I need a sheet of paper or calculator to get an idea which bits are 
exactly set in register. And then later re-calculate twice to be sure 
I'm correct ;)

Having a TRM, looking at a register description and then wanting to 
set Bits 29 & 28 & 26 & 23 & 21 & 20 & 13 & 12 & 11 & 10 using 
something like

(1 << 29) | (1 << 28) | (1 << 26) | (1 << 23) | (1 << 21) | (1 << 20) 
| (1 << 13) | (1 << 12) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 10)

makes it more obvious for me. Then using preprocessor/compiler to 
create 0x34B03C00 I'm on the safe side from my point of view.

>>-#define GPT_EN                       ((0 << 2) | BIT1 | BIT0)
>>+#define GPT_EN                       ((0x0 << 2) | (0x1 << 1) | (0x1 << 0))
> Why not 0x3 ?
> Note: especially the "(0x0 << 2) | " part in the expression i really
> bogus.

Again, from TRM point of view, above style makes it clear that bit 2 
is intentionally set to zero.

Best regards

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