On Sep 22, 2008, at 4:09 PM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Dear Kumar Gala,
> In message <CF82B92D-9821-495A- 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>>>> +  if (!images.valid) {
>>>> +          printf("Need to call %s start first\n", argv[0]);
>>>> +          return 1;
>>>> +  }
>>> We should probably set up a small state machine.
>> A small state machine for what?
> Well, we have states - here you code that a certain operation is  not
> allowed   unless   something  else  has  been  done  before.  SImilar
> dependencies may follow - after uncompressing and loading the  kernel
> image  it  might  for  example  be  not  allowed  any more to turn on
> interrupts, etc. Of course we can  handle  all  this  in  a  maze  of
> conditional statements. Or we could use a small state machine.

So I'm not sure I completely understand what this state machine would  
look like that you are thinking about.

I get the issue, just not seeing the implementation you are thinking  

- k
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