Hello Again

>>     All the boards I am using use the same link script, shall I copy
>> it to its specific directory? Do you really want this? It is not
>> better to do it like the MODE B (cp common_script to board dir)?
> If they use the same linker script you can handle this for example
> like it's being handled for many other systems which use a common
> linker script in the CPU directory:

Ok, I will take a close look to it

>>     I want to create two different targets: ml507 and ml507_flash.
>> Could you write an example of how to do this without writing the
>> TEXT_BASE in the Makefile? I did it in this way because I didn't found
>> any other method in the main Makefile
> What exactly is the difference between these two targets?

ml507 creates an image that runs in ram. This image is downloaded via
jtag cable or a first stage loader: it is used for debugging and
restore the system. ml507_flash generates an image that is stored in
the flash of the system: It will be used on a normal base.

   Thanks and Best Regards

Ricardo Ribalda
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