> > I'm not sure if the debug console will be accepted to mainline, but
> I
> > think this patch alone is an improvement over the current
> implementation
> Frankly, I don't think so - it just makes the code bigger for no good
> use to 99.9% of the users.
> > of using a global string and multiple external console_buffer
> > references.  I've always thought global variables should be avoided if
> > there is a reasonable alternative
> But this is a boot loader, and size matters.

I had assumed gcc/ld would be smart enough to optimize the function call
away, seeing as there is no conditional code in it.  I just tested, and
the size was increased by 48 bytes for the MPC8548CDS reference board
after applying the patch.  Inlining the console_buffer_addr() didn't get
rid of the 48 bytes of bloat.

I guess this patch's fate will be the same as "[RFC] Add support for
early serial debug console"...


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