Hi there, thanks for the great tx_news extension!
I have a question regarding the use of the *category menu*. I'm using the category menu via the following Typoscript-Setup (I use a fluid typoscript object path): lib.nav_news = USER lib.nav_news { userFunc = tx_extbase_core_bootstrap->run extensionName = News pluginName = Pi1 switchableControllerActions { Category { 1 = list } } settings < plugin.tx_news.settings settings { categories = 1,2 listPid = 286 detail { registerProperties = title } } } I have a very basic template, a content area on the right, and a static sidebar on the left, which is where the category menu should be visiable at all times - showing news from all my categories. It should look like : -- Category Heading ------ News Item Title ------ News2 Item Title ------ News3 Item Title ------ ... -- Category2 Heading ------ News1 Item Title ------ ... I can bring the categories to show up and also the news items, but when I click on the news item, it links to the detail page, which is fine, BUT the category menu itself is being replaced by the detail view, so instead of remaining static on the left side, showing my news items, it will show the details of the news item that was clicked on. Am puzzled as to how to solve this. Any help is much appreciated, thanks a lot. :) Max _______________________________________________ TYPO3-german mailing list TYPO3-german@lists.typo3.org http://lists.typo3.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/typo3-german