Marc Charbonneau wrote:
>>>> - [dccosx Erreur fatale] IcsCommonDXE3Run.dpk(1): E2225 Le package
>>>> jamais compilé 'IcsCommonDXE3Run' doit être recompilé
>>>> - [dccosx Erreur fatale] IcsFmxDXE3Run.dpk(54): E2202 Package
>>>> 'IcsCommonDXE3Run' requis non trouvé
>> Anyway my french isn't good enough to translate the error message.
>> quick translation : 
> [dccosx Fatal Error] IcsCommonDXE3Run.dpk(1): E2225 The package was
> never compiled 'IcsCommonDXE3Run' must be re-compiled
> [dccosx Fatal Error] IcsFmxDXE3Run.dpk(54): E2202 Needed package
> 'IcsCommonDXE3Run' not found

The packages  must be built in the right order. That is top down as they appear
in the project manager. I usually set the target platform in project manager's 
button bar, then I select and mark the top item which is IcsCommonDXE3Run 
and from the context menu -> From here | Build all from here.


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