Arno Garrels wrote:
> Dergen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Excuse my English, I'm French.
>> I can not seem to compile the following package:
>> "bplIcsFmxDx3Run.dylib"
>> These are the error messages I then well yet what have compiled this
>> package just before:
>> - [dccosx Erreur fatale] IcsCommonDXE3Run.dpk(1): E2225 Le package
>> jamais compilé 'IcsCommonDXE3Run' doit être recompilé
>> - [dccosx Erreur fatale] IcsFmxDXE3Run.dpk(54): E2202 Package
>> 'IcsCommonDXE3Run' requis non trouvé
>> An idea of the problem that prevents the compilation?
> No idea sorry, that one drove me crazy as well, please ask Embarcadero
> or someone who is more familiar with C++ Builder than I am.
> By the way, one reason why I do no longer support ICS for C++ Builder.

Oh that's not C++ Builder but Delphi, isn't it?
Anyway my french isn't good enough to translate the error message.

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