I think we all need SPDY support:

Best Regards,


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 21:18, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd <
an...@magsys.co.uk> wrote:

> > I presume there is another way to get to the posted data apart from
> > the method demonstrated in the webserver demo?
> I have updated the web server demo with a new page delayed.html which is
> sent after a 10 second delay using a timer, as I previously explained you
> need to use.  This is actually GET, but POST is no different, you just
> read the passed parameters differently.
> This is not exactly server push, since there are no formal standards for
> such a thing, without client side support.  But the concept is the same,
> you just keep the timer repeating to send data regularly.
> But you can not send a complete HTML page, at least to my knowledge,
> which is why a real server push example would need client side code to
> expect updates, or an IFrame or something horrible like that, and I
> really don't have the time or inclination to do any of that.
> If you have a specific example of what you are trying to achieve,
> including actual HTML, we may be able to help further, once you've tried
> this.
> The new demo is in SVN now, and the nightly zip will be available after
> midnight.
> Angus
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