Sorry Angus,

This is probably where the confusion (for me at least) is.

I need to be able to get to the posted data from the incoming request
before I can determine what to send back. 

Setting the flag to hgWillSendMySelf prevents the PostedData event from

I presume there is another way to get to the posted data apart from the
method demonstrated in the webserver demo?

Thanks for being patient!

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Sent: 19 October 2011 18:38
Subject: Re: [twsocket] HttpServer and Server-push?

> I'm still using the WebServer demo (although much cut down) to try 
> and Add in the changes you suggested.

That's fine. 
> i.e. in the PostDocument
>   Flags := hgAcceptData;  <--- PostedData wont fire unless this is 
> set.
>   ClientCnx.KeepAlive := True;

What about the code to send the XML, and the timer I said you needed? 


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