Hi, this is an example of TUDP class that can be used in multicast (receive and transmit). This unit depends by other units, but you can easily extract what you need. Note that I set multicast ttl. I hope it will be usefull for you, Bye Emanuele
unit ewPlatform_UDP; interface uses ewPlatform_Lists, ewPlatform_Logger, ewPlatform_Memory, ewPlatform_Packets, ewPlatform_Strings, OverByteIcsWsocket, WinSock, Windows, SysUtils, Classes; type TOnUDPError=procedure(aError:integer)of object; TOnUDPDataSent=procedure(aInteger:integer)of object; TOnUDPDataAvailable=procedure(aSender:TObject;aData:pointer;aSize:integer;aPeerIP:string;aPeerPort:integer) of object; TUDP=class protected fWS:TWSocket; fSent:boolean; fPeerSrc:TSockAddr; fPeerSrcLen:integer; fRxData:pointer; fRxSize:integer; fWhiteList:TStringList; fBlackList:TStringList; fTxList:TStringList; procedure DataAvailable(aSender:TObject;aError:word); procedure DataSent(aSender:TObject;aErrCode:word); procedure DnsLookupDone(aSender:TObject;aErrCode:word); procedure ChangeState(aSender:TObject;aOldState,aNewState:TSocketState); procedure Send; function GetStarted:boolean; public pLocalIP:string; pLocalPort:integer; pPeerIP:string; pPeerPort:integer; pMultiThreaded:boolean; pMulticast:boolean; pUseWhiteList:boolean; pUseBlackList:boolean; pMulticastTTL:integer; pGetPeerByData:boolean; pOnDataSent:TOnUDPDataSent; pOnDataAvailable:TOnUDPDataAvailable; pOnError:TOnUDPError; pOnChangeState:TChangeState; constructor Create; destructor Destroy;override; procedure StartRx; procedure SetTx; procedure Disconnect; procedure Connect; function Add2WhiteList(aIPPort:string):boolean; function Add2BlackList(aIPPort:string):boolean; procedure DeleteFromWhiteList(aIPPort:string); procedure DeleteFromBlackList(aIPPort:string); procedure ClearWhiteList; procedure ClearBlackList; function NewData(aData:pointer;aSize:integer):integer; property pStarted:boolean read GetStarted; end; implementation //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //TUDP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ constructor TUDP.Create; begin inherited Create; TLogger.Log('UDP socket creation threadID='+inttostr(GetCurrentThreadID),lsVerbose,true); fWS:=TWSocket.Create(nil); fWS.OnDataAvailable:=DataAvailable; fWS.OnDataSent:=DataSent; fWS.OnDnsLookupDone:=DnsLookUpDone; fWS.OnChangeState:=ChangeState; fWS.Proto:='udp'; pGetPeerByData:=false; fTxList:=TStringList.Create; fSent:=false; pLocalIP:=''; pLocalPort:=0; pPeerIP:=''; pPeerPort:=0; pMultiThreaded:=false; pMulticast:=false; pMulticastTTL:=32; fWhiteList:=TStringList.Create; fBlackList:=TStringList.Create; pUseWhiteList:=false; pUseBlackList:=false; fRxSize:=256*1024; getmem(fRxData,fRxSize); fPeerSrcLen:=sizeof(fPeerSrc); end; destructor TUDP.Destroy; begin Disconnect; FreeObjAndNil(fWS); FreeMemAndNil(fRxData); FreeObjAndNil(fWhiteList); FreeObjAndNil(fBlackList); FreeList(fTxList); FreeObjAndNil(fTxList); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TUDP.StartRx; begin Disconnect; pLocalIP:=trim(pLocalIP); if (pLocalIP<>'')and(pLocalPort>0) then begin fWS.Proto:='udp'; fWS.MultiThreaded:=pMultiThreaded; fWS.Addr:=pLocalIP; fWS.Port:=inttostr(pLocalPort); if fWS.Addr='' then fWS.Addr:=''; if pMulticast then begin fWS.MultiCast:=true; fWS.ReuseAddr:=true; fWS.MultiCastAddrStr:=pPeerIP; end; fWS.Listen; fWS.SocketRcvBufSize:=fRXSize; if pMulticast then setsockopt(fWS.HSocket,IPPROTO_IP,IP_MULTICAST_TTL,@pMulticastTTL,sizeof(pMulticastTTL)); end else TLogger.Log('UDP socket start rx error LocalIP='+pLocalIP+' LocalPort='+inttostr(pLocalPort),lsError,true); end; function TUDP.GetStarted:boolean; begin result:=false; if (assigned(fWS)) then result:=(fWS.State=wsListening)or(fWS.State=wsConnected); end; procedure TUDP.SetTx; var lRes:boolean; begin pPeerIP:=trim(pPeerIP); lRes:=(pPeerIp<>'')and(pPeerPort>0); TLogger.Log('UDP socket set tx PeerIP='+pPeerIP+' PeerPort='+inttostr(pPeerPort)+'... '+Boolean2Str(lRes,'ok','ko'),Boolean2Severity(lRes,lsVerbose,lsError),true); fPeerSrc.sin_family:=AF_INET; fPeerSrc.sin_addr.s_addr:=WSocket_inet_addr(AnsiString(pPeerIP)); fPeerSrc.sin_port:=htons(word(pPeerPort)); fSent:=false; FreeList(fTxList); end; procedure TUDP.Disconnect; begin fWS.Shutdown(SD_BOTH); fWS.Close; FreeList(fTxList); fSent:=false; end; procedure TUDP.Connect; begin Disconnect; fWS.Proto:='udp'; fWS.MultiThreaded:=pMultiThreaded; fWS.LocalAddr:=pLocalIP; fWS.Addr:=trim(pPeerIP); fWS.Port:=inttostr(pPeerPort); SetTx; if (fWS.Addr<>'')and(pPeerPort>0) then fWS.DnsLookup(fWS.Addr); end; procedure TUDP.DnsLookupDone(aSender:TObject;aErrCode:word); begin //se riesco a risolvere l'host mi connetto if aErrCode=0 then begin fWS.Connect; fWS.SocketRcvBufSize:=fRXSize; end; end; procedure TUDP.ChangeState(aSender:TObject;aOldState,aNewState:TSocketState); begin if assigned(pOnChangeState) then pOnChangeState(self,aOldState,aNewState); end; function TUDP.NewData(aData:pointer;aSize:integer):integer; var lItem:TBufferItem; begin result:=0; if (pPeerIP<>'')and(GetStarted) then begin lItem:=TBufferItem.Create(aData,aSize,0,0); fTxList.AddObject(inttostr(aSize),lItem); Send; end; end; procedure TUDP.Send; var lItem:TBufferItem; begin if (not fSent)and(fTxList.Count>0) then begin lItem:=TBufferItem(fTxList.Objects[0]); if (fWS.SendTo(fPeerSrc,fPeerSrcLen,lItem.pData,lItem.pSize)>0)or (WSocket_WSAGetLastError=WSAEWOULDBLOCK) then fSent:=true; end; end; procedure TUDP.DataSent(aSender:TObject;aErrCode:word); var lItem:TBufferItem; lSize:integer; begin if fSent then begin fSent:=false; lSIze:=0; if fTxList.Count>0 then begin lItem:=TBufferItem(fTxList.Objects[0]); if assigned(lItem) then begin lSize:=lItem.pSize; FreeObjAndNil(lItem); end; fTxList.Delete(0); end; if assigned(pOnDataSent) then pOnDataSent(lSize); Send; end; end; procedure TUDP.DataAvailable(aSender:TObject;aError:word); var lSize:integer; lPeerSrc:TSockAddrIn; lPeerSrcLen:integer; lPeerIP:string; lPeerPort:integer; lValidPeer:boolean; begin lPeerSrcLen:=sizeof(lPeerSrc); lSize:=fWS.ReceiveFrom(fRxData,fRxSize-2,lPeerSrc,lPeerSrcLen); if lSize<0 then begin { WSAEWOULDBLOCK=10035 Resource temporarily unavailable. This error is returned from operations on nonblocking sockets that cannot be completed immediately, for example recv when no data is queued to be read from the socket. It is a nonfatal error, and the operation should be retried later. It is normal for WSAEWOULDBLOCK to be reported as the result from calling connect on a nonblocking SOCK_STREAM socket, since some time must elapse for the connection to be established. } { WSAECONNRESET=10054 Connection reset by peer. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This normally results if the peer application on the remote host is suddenly stopped, the host is rebooted, the host or remote network interface is disabled, or the remote host uses a hard close (see setsockopt for more information on the SO_LINGER option on the remote socket). This error may also result if a connection was broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while one or more operations are in progress. Operations that were in progress fail with WSAENETRESET. Subsequent operations fail with WSAECONNRESET. } if assigned(pOnError) then pOnError(WSocket_WSAGetLastError); end else begin lPeerIP:=string(AnsiString(inet_ntoa(lPeerSrc.sin_addr))); lPeerPort:=ntohs(lPeerSrc.sin_port); if pGetPeerByData then begin pGetPeerByData:=false; pPeerIP:=lPeerIP; pPeerPort:=lPeerPort; SetTx; end; lValidPeer:=true; if pUseWhiteList then begin lValidPeer:=(fWhiteList.IndexOf(lPeerIP+':'+inttostr(lPeerPort))>=0)or(fWhiteList.IndexOf(lPeerIP+':*')>=0); end; if (lValidPeer)and(pUseBlackList) then lValidPeer:=(fBlackList.IndexOf(lPeerIP+':'+inttostr(lPeerPort))<0)and(fBlackList.IndexOf(lPeerIP+':*')<0); if lValidPeer then begin PAnsiChar(fRxData)[lSize]:=#0; PAnsiChar(fRxData)[lSize+1]:=#0; if assigned(pOnDataAvailable) then pOnDataAvailable(self,fRxData,lSize,lPeerIP,lPeerPort); end; end; end; function TUDP.Add2WhiteList(aIPPort:string):boolean; begin result:=false; DeleteFromBlackList(aIPPort); if fWhiteList.IndexOf(aIPPort)<0 then begin fWhiteList.Add(aIPPort); result:=true; end; end; function TUDP.Add2BlackList(aIPPort:string):boolean; begin result:=false; DeleteFromWhiteList(aIPPort); if fBlackList.IndexOf(aIPPort)<0 then begin fBlackList.Add(aIPPort); result:=true; end; end; procedure TUDP.DeleteFromWhiteList(aIPPort:string); var lIndex:integer; begin lIndex:=fWhiteList.IndexOf(aIPPort); if lIndex>=0 then fWhiteList.Delete(lIndex); end; procedure TUDP.DeleteFromBlackList(aIPPort:string); var lIndex:integer; begin lIndex:=fBlackList.IndexOf(aIPPort); if lIndex>=0 then fBlackList.Delete(lIndex); end; procedure TUDP.ClearWhiteList; begin fWhiteList.Clear; end; procedure TUDP.ClearBlackList; begin fBlackList.Clear; end; end. Il 26/05/2011 06:48, Éric Fleming Bonilha ha scritto: > Hi > > I´m wondering how to use ICS properly to send and receive Multicast data. > Where can I find example for multicast and ICS? > > I´m in doubt about the IGMP protocol, do I need to implement anything on > application layer or does IGMP protocol is implemented on underlying stack > automatically? > > How my application will create a multicast group on network and/or join a > group? > > Thank you very much! > Eric > -- > To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list > please goto http://lists.elists.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/twsocket > Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be -- Ing. Emanuele Bizzarri Software Development Department e-works s.r.l. 41011 - Campogalliano - Modena - Italy tel. +39 059 2929081 int. 23 fax +39 059 2925035 e-mail: e.bizza...@e-works.it - http://www.e-works.it --------------------------------------------------------------------- La presente comunicazione, che potrebbe contenere informazioni riservate e/o protette da segreto professionale, è indirizzata esclusivamente ai destinatari della medesima qui indicati. Le opinioni, le conclusioni e le altre informazioni qui contenute, che non siano relative alla nostra attività caratteristica, devono essere considerate come non inviate né avvalorate da noi. Tutti i pareri e le informazioni qui contenuti sono soggetti ai termini ed alle condizioni previsti dagli accordi che regolano il nostro rapporto con il cliente. 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