Hello Francois, thanks for answering. 2) $IF defines for my units, I replaced the include file with COMPILER_##_UP defines to the file with following text:
// compiler version constants for checking with $IF directive (only for Delphi7+) const RAD_XE = 22; RAD_2010 = 21; RAD_2009 = 20; RAD_2007 = 19; RAD_2006 = 18; Delphi_9 = 17; Delphi_8 = 16; Delphi_7 = 15; so my version checks look like {$IF CompilerVersion >= RAD_2009} ... {$IFEND} And compilers lower than D7 won't compile conditional defines anyway. Concerning BCB, it has no separate meaning (BCB6 is too old, and later it was included into BDS/RAD). I remember this subject to be discussed some time ago, and your answer was NO, but as long as $IF defines are already used, why don't use them everywhere. 4) THttpBigInt >Strictly not needed, but make code easier to update. Well, I don't think that in the near time the value of 17,179,869,183 GIGABYTES would be not enough :) Besides, don't other components like FTP and Socket itself need similar types too? 7) Last-modified and Date header fields >I don't see exactly what you mean I mean: ... property LastModified : TDateTime read FLastModified; property Date : TDateTime read FDate; ... procedure THttpCli.GetHeaderLineNext; ... else if Field = 'date' then FDate := RFC1123_StrToDate(Trim(Data)) ... else if Field = 'last-modified' then FLastModified := RFC1123_StrToDate(Trim(Data)) ... end -- Anton -- To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list please goto http://lists.elists.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/twsocket Visit our website at http://www.overbyte.be