Hello Anton,

1) Excess ancient defines

The code is cleaned up as we goes by.

3) HTTPCliWindowProc

function HTTPCliWindowProc is never used, maybe it should be removed?

If not used anymore, yes.

2) $IF defines

Same as (1)

4) THttpBigInt

THttpBigInt type - is it really needed?

Strictly not needed, but make code easier to update.

5) Header value names

Yes, indeed. Altough it probably wouldn't change anything.

6) Current http doc properties clearing

Yes, indeed.

7) Last-modified and Date header fields

I don't see exactly what you mean.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Anton S." <an...@rambler.ru>
To: <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 1:29 PM
Subject: [twsocket] OverbyteIcsHttpProt suggestions

I'm now working with HttpCli and after examining OverbyteIcsHttpProt unit I have several suggestions

1) Excess ancient defines

While only D7+ is supported currently in ICS7, there are some legacy defines:

   'Sorry, we do not want to support ancient compilers any longer'
{$IFDEF DELPHI6_UP} << useless
   {$ObjExportAll On}

There's even some code for DELPHI1!

2) $IF defines

While COMPILER##_UP defines are used for determining compiler version, there are some checks with $IF like {$IF CompilerVersion < 21}. Maybe it's better to change compiler detection to IF-s? IF-s are supported in D7, the only thing this version requires is defining a const CompilerVersion = 15.

3) HTTPCliWindowProc

function HTTPCliWindowProc is never used, maybe it should be removed?

4) THttpBigInt

THttpBigInt type - is it really needed?

5) Header value names

Such header value names as 'Content-Length: ' are repeated several times throughout the unit, I think they should be declared as constants.

6) Current http doc properties clearing

There's a block of code which clears http doc properties, it is repeated three times: once in THttpCli.InternalClear and twice in THttpCli.LocationSessionClosed.

   { Clear header from previous operation }
   FHeaderLineCount  := 0;
   FBodyLineCount    := 0;
   FContentLength    := -1;
   FContentType      := '';  { 25/09/1999 }
   FTransferEncoding := '';  { 28/12/2003 }
{$IFDEF UseContentCoding}
   FContentEncoding  := '';

I'd extract this into separate method (what would ease addition of new http doc properties)

7) Last-modified and Date header fields

I slightly modified RFC1123_Date and RFC1123_StrToDate and added auto-conversion of Last-modified and Date header fields into HttpCli's TDateTime fields. If you're interested, I can send my modifications to ICS team.

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